The Neighbors

The Neighbors

How many bands sound system supports depends on the extent to which quality is sound. Two-way system will be well to reproduce the sounds of low or medium frequencies through a speaker. -Way are good that are able to qualitatively reproduce the sound of low, mid and high frequencies through separate speakers. Thus, it can be concluded that the highest quality sound and provide a three- five-band system. The next figure, which must be taken into account – a power system.

Do not confuse power with the volume. The fact is, the power depends on the reliability. Defined with the acoustic power system must take into account the power amplifier. It is necessary that these two parameters coincide, otherwise the system can not work at all. The frequency of the system – another important factor that must be considered when choice of speakers. The frequency of the acoustic system is dependent on individual perception of sounds. The best option would be a system with a wide frequency range.

Should pay special attention to the equipment system. In stores may be sold fully equipped systems or components. The full package includes a subwoofer, CB (central unit), speakers of various modifications. The material from which made the columns – too important factor. Experts argue that it is best to choose the columns with shells made of wood. Of CPD will also work. They sound best quality transfer. In addition, the wooden columns are not rattle. However, they are more expensive than plastic. The latter are characterized by the fact that distort the sound, especially at high and medium frequencies. However, the advantages of these columns is: are they less than wood, in addition, plastic tend to have a modern design and thus fit better into the interior. The last factor to consider when buying a sound system – is its sensitivity. Better system to had a high sensitivity, then maybe play a loud sound. Of course, the selected model should be subjected speaker verification in the store. An experienced shop assistant must provide that opportunity. Do not forget about the neighbors – often buying speaker system is fraught with the development of conflict with other tenants of the house. To avoid such hassles, it is necessary to take care of soundproofing walls.

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