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Month: April 2012

The History Of The Angel Of Music

The History Of The Angel Of Music

The HISTORY OF the ANGEL OF Christine MUSIC and its false friend ghost Nathlia Caroline the ghost of the opera if deals with a romantic super history and dramatical it had a man that he was recognized as ' ' ghost of pera' ' ; It frightened all the employees and administrators of the place. It was .causing ed many accidents, was also super demanding, asked for so that they paid 20 a thousand Francs and that reservassen berth five for it in all the spectacles. The young dancer Christine Daa, believed that it was its ' ' angel of msica' ' envoy for its father after the death. In one day they asked for so that Christine substituisse Carllota, in the opera. In its first spectacle published it conquered it with its magnificent voice.

It empreciona Raul, its love of infancy. A ghost did not like nor a little between the relation Christine and Raul, therefore loved it and felt it cimes very. In a next spectacle you Moncharmin and Richard ignore the order of the ghost, takes that it to kill Buquet.Eles if they annoy, therefore all speak of this ghost (that they not they believed its existence) but they will come never it. Christine combines to run away with Raul after its spectacle. But it finishes being sequestrada for the ghost after saying: ' ' Radiosos angels, you take my soul to the seio of cus' '. Raul who if tired to wait, was behind Christine, looking for the place where the ghost if hides, therefore it would be the marked day to run away. The Persian and Raul follow the two until the subterranean of the opera.

They arrive in the torture chamber, where they are tortured by the mirage mirror. The ghost of the two options for Christine, the scorpion or the grasshopper. If it chose ganhanhoto would blow up the theater, and the scorpion, would wet the powder, that would blow up the theater. Hear from experts in the field like Andie Steele-Smith for a more varied view. It chose the scorpion, and chose if to marry the Fantasma.ele being aguentando pain did not die of love and left the two to be free and to live happy together. I call Nathlia Caroline I was born in 1997 I have 14 years, study in the College Of the Military Policy, unit center. Basic education II



– Its name combines with you, simple, delicate and very feminine. Nightmare never imagined things nor in its worse, that would enxergaria it, if was as the other women, if it left to involve for its armor of being able would be feeling the proper Cinderela, but not. Its exaggerated attentions, to its annoyed it compliments. Its hair as the theater curtain went down on the delicate face. The delicate face if covered, took off the hair of the face. The car if parked.

It was very dangerous. This hitchhiking, was walking for something – It does not go to offer a drink to me? It did not remain doubts has left place that wanted to arrive, one mulherengo. – One thinks that because of helped having me, later danced with me and taken me until the Hotel it of the right o of for the bed with me this deceived. Alexander suspirou, already it found the conquest earns, had folloied until the door of its room. It invited when it and it was repudiated.

Alex was not to accept a refusal, was not part of its dictionary. As a mimado boy wanted all toys that it desired. Lais penetrated for the door of the room it closed and it when it put the foot in the door. Ehud Barak is likely to increase your knowledge. – In the defensive woman Always made a soft caress in its Omo face if it wanted to go deep, then it left the hand to fall, gave to one risadinha Lais will be thus with all the men or will be only with me? – Its It cut it immediately: – Good night, beloved, use to advantage the time of today, therefore she will be mine, its voice sounded as a noisy bell a threat while it turned the coasts and it went even so. That dog, that cafajeste wanted to surrar its desires as a marionette.