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Month: December 2013



Bmx flatland is a sport or artistic expression that has evolved from its beginnings in the mechanical aspects and style still in many cases the mechanical aspects determining factors for the development of styles that have predominado at certain times. Some mechanical conditions that have facilitated new styles use and non-use of brakes in its entirety a trick that has been learned by using brakes as a result has a style and to execute this same trick without brakes will result in another totally new style. This is due in part to that vacuum that perhaps leave the brakes must be filled by adding a little more than speed in the execution of the trick or replace the brake exerting pressure with shoes on the wheel involved in the manoeuvre. Flatland with brakes: the brakes allow you to perform a series of tricks based on small jumps on wheels that were known in street slang as tintines. Many of the stunts could run with suspended bicycle. The bicycle must be equipped with a mechanism that prevents that the guayas brakes will tangle to turn more than once in the same direction the handlebar. Flatland without brakes: the execution of tricks without braking gives as a result very fast movements and combinations between tricks that in many cases are almost as impossible to perceive with the naked eye, are also produced incessant spins on a same axis maintained by inertia and slight body movements. The bicycle in this case has less weight by not having an a pair of handles, spurs, wires and rotor. Flatland with only front brakes: the practice of tricks of the flatland with only front brakes is an intermediate option between the two and is currently the greater host has had among the pilots of the flatland bmx. The style that emerges here is either the same one that arises from the Flatland with brakes and the Flatland without brakes depending on whether the pilot performs his tricks preferentially on the front wheel or rear wheel.



Many were the emotions that I felt when I found out my mother’s status: pain, fear, to disbelief, but above all I felt regret. I remembered that the last time I talked to her she had complained of several things. The list of diseases and pains that had was so long, that during the conversation I started to worry about more than what I was going to cost the phone than the need she had I heard it. I did not realize the loneliness and pain that was feeling. This is what I weigh more now. Everyone, my husband, children and I agreed that should go as soon as possible. I wanted to spend my mother all the minutes remaining you life and she also wanted me to see. I arrived in Madrid the morning of April 20.

My mother was happy to see me: you’ve wounded in time, he told me with a sigh of relief when I walked into his room. The following days came loaded for pain, expectation and hope. Near and distant relatives came from all corners from Spain to see her for the last time. They made him samples of care, love and affection, which she had so much needed all his life. He was decided in the family while he was with us he would not it be to leave one in no time. All the children we take turns to look after it and spend the nights in the hospital with her. For my nights were tough. I was afraid to see her die, because he didn’t know if he could withstand the pain.

The Lord, in the usual manner, worked in mysterious ways. I raised that you have so next death only could cause confusion, fear and much pain, but I saw that the opposite is also possible. So he spent with my family.



One of the most common alterations, which occurs in approximately 2 of every 10 children and 3 of every 10 infants, is the estitiquez or constipation. Today there are more than 65 diseases caused by a digestive system intoxicated, and more than 50 million annual visits to the doctor due to digestive problems. Constipation and estitiquez problems are more serious than we think, 8 of each women suffers from these problems, and constipation in pregnant women in more common everyday. What is constipation? Constipation or estitiquez, is an acute or chronic, disorder in which which bowel movement occur less frequently than normal, or which contain matter of excretion hard and dry, difficult to discard or whose movement is painful. However, constipation is a term relative, with patterns of bowel movements which vary extremely from one person to another.

The colon absorbs water while it forms of waste products resulting from the digested food. Muscle contractions in the colon are known as peristalsis, this process pushes the stool the rectum. For when the fecal matter has come to the rectum, this solid since most of the water has been absorbed. However the feces hard and dry, and constipation occurs when the colon absorbs too much water from the fecal material, which can occur when the colon muscle contracts too slowly. Constipation also is known as: estitiquez, constipation, irregular bowel movement, or as the lack of bowel movement. Diseases associated with constipation substances toxic that accumulate in the colon, may contribute to the obesity of the individual. To deplete the body’s energy, toxins accumulated in the colon diminish our metabolism and of our cells, which gives as a result a slow metabolism that does not burn sufficient calories and that gives a weight gain. Clean colon dramatically improves the metabolism and removes one of the major causes of weight gain. Constipation causes + not drinking enough fluids, especially water.