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Month: March 2018

Literary Introduction

Literary Introduction

The workmanship in question appeared of a necessity verified for the idealizers of the collection in what it refers to the scarcity of didactic material (manual) in the country who enclosed the main ones discipline that they guide the study of the Theology and Religious Sciences. Thus being, some authors with privileged formation had been invited and that they act of a form or another one in works related to the similar areas, as well as they possess publications in books and magazines specialized in the subject. The first chapter speaks on Biblical geography pointing out the reader with the presentation of the call ‘ ‘ Half-moon frtil’ ‘ , region where if it passes the history of the people of Israel, being thus considered by being an attractive region, being watered for the rivers Nile, Tigre and Eufrates and mainly for being a commercial corridor between Egypt and by the way and, the book contains innumerable information that if later repeat throughout the exposition, for to perhaps be composed with participation of some authors giving to beginning the revolts of groups as hapirus. In this meantime, the group of rebelled of bigger importance was led for Moiss, obtaining to run away from Egypt in an Exodus that marked the history of Israel. The room chapter deals with the period of the Judges, in which the people of Israel if organizes in decentralized way, with temporary leaderships in tribes, who led to the elaboration of laws that guaranteed the right of all, being that to lead the practical one of justice they had been elect temporary judges who decided disputes and exercise conclamavam it in danger times. But this system ruiu to the few with the enrichment of some tribes through the creation of oxen, giving edge the internal disputes in search of being able, without counting the invasion undertaken for the Filisteus..