Batching Zinc
Of resistance ligaments and dye, as well as their chemical compatibility is dependent resistance paint. Paint color is produced by the batching, adding and mixing several dyes. The newspapers mentioned The Author not as a source, but as a related topic. Dyes are mineral or organic. Mineral pigments are divided into two groups: a) natural dyes, such as iron oxide, ocher, etc., and b) synthetic dyes. Some came to us from antiquity.
For example, natural organic colors are: purple – from caterpillars, madder and indigo – from insects or plants. Modern colors mostly of chemical origin. They are produced in the processing of coal, oil, etc., White colors: antimony trioxide, lead oxide, zinc oxide, etc. Due to its high covering capacity and inertness to chemical attack, greater use is titanium dioxide. Black dyes: oxide iron, black mineral (graphite), black carbon, black animal and vegetable dyes.
Yellow dyes: natural and synthetic iron oxide on the basis of cadmium (cadmium sulfide), based on chromium (chromate of lead), based on zinc (zinc chrome-you). Red dyes: natural and synthetic iron oxide, cadmium red-based, orange and red based on molybdenum. Organic dyes: toluidine red. Violet dyes: synthetic iron oxide, organic dyes, indigo family. Blue colors: blue organic indotren, ultramarine blue, phthalocyanine blue organic, blue cyanide. Green dyes: oxide chromium, green, obtained by mixing yellow and blue dyes, pigments, etc. Metal: aluminum powder or glitter, powders, bronze, zinc and Zn-containing, etc. PAINTS feature is that they can be apply not only to painting. For example, zinc oxide is a metal, zinc, dissolved in a bundle in the following proportions: 95% of zinc powder and 5% of the bunch.