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Month: February 2013



I think that not everyone should study the same subjects since the concerns and aspirations are different. This makes it necessary that the plans are different. The matters to which I refer are the creativity, leadership, vision and emotional education. Creativity is important because we are going to help innovate the field in which we work, we will teach the problems large and small with which we will surely face in our working lives. As I already said before, the world is changing rapidly, but we human beings do not operate under the same speed. Leadership is a topic of vital importance for the movement of persons. The time that we live is characterized by apathy and pessimism of the great majority of people.

The culture and education that we’ve endured has murdered the leadership, creativity and has led us towards the dependence of people. I believe that it is essential to develop the leadership from the earliest age of the children. The vision. The vision is the visualization of what one wants to do within a given context. This involves making the diagnosis of reality that one lives, the ideal scene in which one wants to build and last but not least, the construction of the bridge to move from the real scene to the ideal scene. The realization of the ideals inevitably require creativity and leadership, as well as emotional education. I believe that the essential high school work should be the elaboration of a project of life in close relationship with a nation project. The curriculum should be subject to this idea emotional education.

One of the great discoveries of the middle of the last century is that the emotion of people is what determines the success or failure of the actions taken by humans. It is not rationality or the level of information that the person is what determines it. There may be a person with a high level of information, but if you have a low emotional level, it will surely fail in everything what you undertake, on the other hand, if there is a person with a low level of information, but with a high emotional level, you will probably have success because it is emotion is what really drives to know and do things. Nobody knows absolutely everything you must know to succeed in life, that is something oneself should go discovering through a proper education and I believe that with these four materials can be students to find their own path in life. Through these courses you can set that other subjects should be considered not to be missed along the way. This time is so much information that it is absolutely impossible to acquire it whole by which is one bound to be much more selective with the information for their own training. This is just an idea for a comprehensive educational reform, which since you can start applying from the personal sphere.



In full debate on whether slim or not the autonomous administrations, initiated by Mariano Rajoy, our Vice President Gerardo Camps must decide if it indebted or to the community in the 500 million more for those who are not authorized. At the moment, Artur Mas he has already said to Rodriguez Zapatero that Catalonia does needs to do it even if you have exhausted your credit limit because of the pufo that his predecessor, Jose Montilla has left him. All this happens in the week in which Angela Merkel arrives in Madrid to review our accounts in full buzz by the German bid to host Spanish graduates who cannot find work in our country. This possibility is not novel, since in the past two years have already emigrated 120,000 young Spaniards aged 25 to 35, professional highly qualified all of them to other countries. As if our labour market problems were not few, we dedicate ourselves, because to receive immigrants without training and export graduates with talent. Already the Professor had foreseen this sad scenario Santiago child in his lucid book the crash of 2010, pointing out the shortcomings of a Spanish economy dedicated to labour intensive activities, which generate little value added and make us more dependent on the external sector and credit. Did his devastating diagnosis, concluded that the world has been too many years malbaratando resources and that, in the Spanish case, consistent outside depression can extend until 2020?.

If that is not sufficient to depress us, accounts of the Generalitat are even more complicated. Everyone agrees that the Consell plans layoffs widespread in public after enterprises of elections, obviously. On the other hand, although Paula Sanchez de Leon rebata the thesis privatisation of public television that the National Secretariat of the PP, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, advocates the RTVV has to cope with impending payment that can not deal and already some providers refuse to continue giving service. Even the until recently little seemingly healthy Bancaixa just announced on lips of Jose Luis Olivas will need to further adjust the staff and offices to sell to raise cash. But, is it possible that all administrations, financial institutions, private, are made to liquidate assets at the same time without compromising the market why? Of course not.

So we will have to tighten us belt more than others. Not in vain our unemployment rate of 22.9% is higher than the Spanish average, so we need that the GDP will grow more than 2 per cent per annum to create employment. We are also to the queue at the level of primary and secondary education and the financial cost of our debt exceeds spending in the administration staff. These are a few examples of the Decade of austerity that awaits us. And it is that, although the political class follow preaching another thing, those happy times of hard four pesetas had become definitely history.



WHAT the man when seeing IS HISTORY the necessity to explain its origin, in the primrdios of they will civilize, developed the most varied answers for this gap of the humanity. One of the most known answers to explain the reason of the social organization that if of the one of determined way is the Myth. The myth varied the region in accordance with had as main function to base the power of kings, faras and emperors. The mythical logic had a character the holy ghost, thus the power of the governing and all destination of a people, as well as its origin, was determined by the Deuses. If currently the myth in them seems nonsense and baseless, in the antiquity he was accepted as truth for the people. Still today the myths, even though with as much it does not influence as in the past, prevail between our society with the same ideological characteristics.

One another way uses that to understand it its existence and the possibility to perpetuate it is history. History as explanation of the reality has a coesa relation with the philosophy, therefore, it is the philosophy that in beginning deals with the common knowledge. Greek Herdoto and, then later, other historians had been the first ones to investigate the reality and write them for the posteriority. How these historians were not worried about atemporal origin? as the myth they directed its attention for the recent events of its time, thus concrete could try to understand a moment historical. Theological history did not have the same severity of its antecedent due to the fact to be imprisoned to the dogmatismo. However, this new conception is of great influences until our days. The detainer of the knowledge was the Christian church that provided to the fusing of the Roman empire with the calls barbarous peoples. As the great mass she was illiterate and good part of the governing, the church was in charge giving the answers to explain the reality with its cronistas. The predominant thought age of legends with which history if reflected in the ratio of this mentality. But when is published new studies in the field of geography, and a renewal of the effective thought is that it is perceived in the way to make history.