Hermitage Museum

Hermitage Museum

In the old testament referred to store blankets tissue arrays. First made Kown carpet is currently related to the 5th century before Christ. It was discovered by archaeologists in a Kurgan pazyryk in the town of Altai, which is now stored in the Hermitage. Among the oldest existing carpet is one that was created in the 5th century before Christ. Archaeologists have found similar elements in the known tumulus fifth pazyryk during excavation of archaeologist Rudenko of Russia in 1949, in mountains of Altai, natural border pazyryk, a valley of great Ulagan in Russia.

It is now preserved in the Hermitage Museum (Petersburgo). This product was probably compiled in Assyria, since there the circulation was broad. Carpet pazyryk is decorated with an ornament with typical motifs. It is evident that this type of cover were used not only as an ornament, but also omo symbol of the guardian of the valuable information. The decorative character of the carpet we could say that it is one species of secondary consideration, since they were originally made to maintain the room temperature. If you want to learn more about carpets original author and source of the article

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