Corporal Culture

Corporal Culture

It is also one form of language as corporal expression and the phenomena above pointed constitute the quantity of what it comes being called Corporal Culture. These manifestations, among others cultural phenomena that if they express corporally, they are constituent of the corporalidade human being and some of them, come being tematizados and if constituting while objects study and research in the most diverse areas of the knowledge, as Sociology, the Anthropology, the Education, and for areas you specify, with for example the Physical Education and Sciences of the Sport. From these practical reflections concerning the corporal ones we decide to investigate the physical activity Parkour, as plus a possibility of education of the body in the contemporaneidade, where a grating number of practitioners, in its great majority, adolescents and young, construct significant a corporal identity, from the relation with the obstacles found in the urban spaces where they live. Leaving of these first analyses to understand the Parkour while a Phenomenon Contemporary of the Corporal Culture, To sound (1997, P. 07) goes saying in them that; ' ' Perhaps either the body the place most visible of registration of the culture human being, its truer register. This constatao takes in them to one widening of forms, models and specific techniques that make possible ' ' education of corpo' ' '.

The young cultural manifestations are gifts in the most diverse sectors of the society, and try in all saying the moment to them that they exist and want to be heard, visas, directions, that want to speak. Breads (2006) in will say that &#039 to them; ' the youthful cultures are closely performativas because, in the reality, the young nor always is fit in the prescriptive cultures that the society them impe' '. These manifestations if express of varied forms: in the young skill of the speech, in the skill to dress, the way as if they relate affectively, in the way as they create language codes to be communicated, as the tattooings, piercings, the pichaes, the grafitagens the most diverse symbols and signs created to be identified as group, tribes, etc.

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