

But Stan did not remain indifferent to fun for its guests, and he often became one of the most irrepressible joker and "idlers". Characters Wall not remain indifferent to the audience, and make us participants in a fun, zagovorcheski exchanging glances with us winks, inviting us to join their celebration. Such "social" uchastinikov fun characteristic of the characters more intimate scenes. They are, if not looking at us, their posture, body rotation stress attentiveness to the audience, pointing at our participation in an event. Returning to the characters in crowd scenes pictures wall, notice the overall dispersion of action. Participants are divided image into small groups to each of which attention is drawn to something one – whether it is pouring a drink under the acclaim of others, raskurivanie tube, or laughter, caused by a joke. When looking at individual parts "Podsyuzhetov" picture, there is almost a noisy atmosphere generated by the movements of the troublesome characters, their immediate outcries.

Most other people we see in paintings by Vermeer. Most scenes of intimacy contributes not only to a limited number of participants, as previously mentioned, but their special, as if detached state. Characters are not many turned to the viewer, to share with us their experiences as immersed in himself and in his classes. We note, in rare cases sight, directed at us, interacting with each other, they do not include in his audience, preferring to either sit in the profile, or it does turn to us back. Vermeer and denotes a kind of barrier that separates the living area of their characters from the space of the audience with a heavy curtain, bulky table in the foreground image. Thus, contemplation paintings by Vermeer, we understand that we have no opportunity to participate in events taking place on them, which was possible by looking at the wall of genre painting.

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