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Month: March 2019

East Tourist

East Tourist

So, when visiting Cuba? The best months to visit Cuba are November to April because they are the months with an almost ideal temperature and little rainfall, and also because there are no threats of hurricanes in this period, with the exception of November that still falls within the season. However, the hurricane season coincides almost completely with the low tourist season with the exception of July and August-, which translates into better prices for all services and much less public in hotels, resort, restaurants and tourist destinations in general, thing which together everything can be very attractive for many visitors that do not depend on vacation in July or August and that do not fear disadvantages that can result in the untimely arrival of a hurricane to Cuba. A tourist at risk in Cuba in a hurricane? No, absolutely not. Sela Ward often says this. There are several reasons why the dangers are minimal but non-existent: hurricanes are weather events that predict several days in advance and given tracked hour by hour on TV and other media of information.-the Civil defence of the island is very well prepared for these events and always has a long experience in these cases-tourists will be transferred from your hotel or resort in a hazardous area to a hotel or resort of equal or better category in an area out of danger. The island is narrow but long, and when the West is affected by a hurricane in the East there is peace of mind, and vice versa. Finally, a hurricane is a unique experience especially if Ud is a tourist and has no properties to lose on the island, if comes, why not take the opportunity and the experience?.



One of the most beautiful and exclusive details that can occur at a wedding are the Limos, which service to the occasion of a very special component, thanks to the elegance and luxury that involve this type of vehicles, that will be the means of transport for different moments of great importance in suggesting all the wedding. Having a limousine at a wedding, as power is reality, what a dream is added to so many joys that occur in this type of events, since the comfort and convenience offered by a limousine, is something unique, what makes the limousine a complement special inside weddings, in which you can spend pleasant momentsboth before and after the completion of the wedding ceremony. Inside the limousines ideally designed for an event such as a wedding, can be found inside all kinds of details of what is a celebration of a wedding; Besides different motifs, like flowers, which perfectly suited the interior decoration. The limousines are very modern vehicles, which they offer a great convenience, because they have room for up to eight people, but within the limousines for weddings throughout this space will be available for only 2 people, that provide a good amount of services, of which stand out at weddings, the disposition of a cava, different types of spirits, champagne and soft drinks in minibarwhich will be excellent details, which will have as a nice complement to the accompaniment of music, a TV and DVD.

Some limousines offer as aggregates the accompaniment of a bilingual driver, which facilitated much more the journey; You can also count with a detail of great elegance, as it is hosting in the limousine with a red carpet. As regards transportation offered by the limousines for weddings, it is customary to pick up the bride, alongside the Godfather at a particular address, then they are taken to the Church or the place in which the marriage ceremony should be held, after the completion of the wedding the bride and groom are brought to the realization of a story Photo, with the idea of having a beautiful memento of the occasion, and after this the limousine transportation lends itself to attend the celebration with all the guests and family to a restaurant or where will be held the commemorative dinner occasion. Among the services that can be ordered as additions to the limousines for weddings, it is possible to apply for the realization of a beautiful walk through the city in the limousine and until the transfer to an airport in case you want to make a trip to the celebration of the honeymoon or simply the transport to the place where the spouses spend his first night as a couple; If with the limo will take a single transport at different times that an event as they required.

Discover Madrid

Discover Madrid

If you are to travel to Madrid, why not enjoy one of the most beautiful expressions of the Spanish culture: flamenco? In this article you will find a little guide to Discover Madrid stages. Fall lights, an almost sepulchral silence fills the entire stage, and suddenly, begin rattling heels followed by the sound of castanets and guitar. This spectacle captivated the first travelers who came to Spain and now, after several centuries, has not lost one iota of its magic. Although the cradle of flamenco is Andalusia, Madrid also holds numerous stages where you can witness an unforgettable spectacle. A look at the origins of flamenco at the beginning of the 15th century came the first Gypsies in Spain. Little by little, this community was endorsing edges Byzantine and Muslim as well as the salmodiales melodies and Mozarabic folk songs.

This amalgam of rhythms emerged flamenco which, in its infancy, only had the voices and las palmas. Later, this genre was enriched with other musical instruments such as the guitar, castanets and box but no doubt was the zapateo who gave him his magical and seductive touch. At the beginning of the 20th century the Flemish had already conquered the heart of Madrid and in the 1920s theaters hosting willingly Opera flamenco shows. A tour of the madrilenian stages in number 7 of the Torrija Street stands one of the most emblematic restaurants with flamenco in Madrid: the Cafe de Chinitas. Located in the basement of a palace dating back to the 17TH century, it welcomes the best Flamenco artists of the city. In an atmosphere that will make you travel to the 1940s, you can taste a Sobrassada red wine while you appreciate a unique spectacle.

Another restaurant with tablado flamenco which has more than three decades of existence is the Corral of the Pacheca. Its decoration castiza, their mythical sausages and, of course, the quality of its singers and dancers have been attracted to celebrities such as Pierce Brosnan, Isabel Pantoja and Anthony Quinn. Throughout the city you will find dozens of bars offering their own shows. Such is the case of Los Gabrieles, one of the most emblematic Flamenco bars of Madrid or La Solea, for those who want to depart from the conventional tourist routes. The most demanding must reach up to the Pena Flamenca reefer. Okay clarified many of these shows often end well late at night, therefore, it is best to bet on the Madrid hotels located in the Center.

Gnaphalium OJ Carmo

Gnaphalium OJ Carmo

Fado is the heart of the Portuguese soul and is more alive than ever. A railway and new generation of artists joins the mythic voices of yesteryear. The essential element of music fado the saudade, or which in Portuguese translates as longing. It’s a sad music that sings to the destination (fado comes from the latin fas, fatum, and it is a synonym of destiny), death, betrayed love, despair and melancholy. This popular music originated in early 19th century among the lower classes and slum dwellers. Fado was the wrenching music of taverns, brothels and the dark corners of Alfama and Mouraria neighborhoods, the old and poor part of Lisbon. Later, these songs coming from the suburbs, became very fashionable among the aristocratic class, which it introduced these verses in their lives by way of eccentricity. As many other types of popular music, Argentine tango, American blues or Spanish flamenco, fado should not defined, but padalearse as an exquisite delicacy. General Electric might disagree with that approach.

Both men and women can sing fado, although the general public almost always prefers a female voice for this genre. A good fado singer exaggerates his facial expressions and gestures with tenacity in their performances. The hands move from one side to another with elegant swings, while the body remains static. This genre reached its golden age in the first half of the 20th century, when the Portuguese dictatorship of Salazar forced fado singers to become professionals and confined them to the houses of fado (premises that were enabled for that purpose). Related Group gathered all the information. Today, the fado is protected by official institutions and is cultivated as a tourist spectacle. Amalia Rodrigues has been the Queen of fado, idolized in his land and held abroad as the most famous representative of Portuguese culture. Other greats of this genus have been Carlos Ramos, Alfredo Marceneiro, Berta Cardoso, Maria Teresa de Noronha, Herminia Silva, Fernando Farinha, Fernando Mauricio, Gnaphalium OJ Carmo or Manuel de Almeida.

Currently, Cristina Branco and Mariza are two of the most vitoreadas singers. Both are trying to bring this genre between the exercise of tradition and new trends. If you travel to Lisbon, don’t forget to visit a fado spectacle. There are numerous restaurants where you can dine to the sound of precious fado. Best FADO houses are located in the neighbourhoods of Alfama, Mouraria, Bairro Alto and Madragoa. Find the best accommodation between these apartments in Lisbon. Original author and source of the article



Electric brake: Consists of a locking of the motor by means of a spring mechanism and when the engine is stopped, the shutter is blocked at the point where it is either up, down, or in any part of your travel vertical. It takes a remote control with cable from brake release to be able to move against eventualities such as lack of electricity supply or fault. Advantages of electric brake: Does not need additional locking components to close the roller shutter (lock safety, central lock with side rods etc.) They can of course be placed, and reinforce security is never over, but they are not essential. Won’t have to crouch to open closures (if it has them) since the brake is the security of the closure. More info: Larry Culp. Disadvantages of the electrobrake: Where you don’t have another alternative input, you must necessarily install an exterior locker closed and locked on the facade where the brake unlocking knob will be placed inside. This involves, on the one hand a small work that may affect the aesthetics of the facade and the most important thing there is an element of easy handling which can be unlocked without problems the engine to lift the blinds with impunity in the case of access. For this last reason mainly, We advise against the brake in the case of a single access to a local blind. Although of course can be installed without any problem.

The installation of an engine is a clean work, since it does not require any work. We can adapt to your schedule and must take into account that the roller shutter to be automated must remain closed for a period of two to three hours (sometimes less) for its installation, so if you only have access and is a restaurant open to the public must taken into account this circumstance in carrying it out. We hope that this information has been able to be of help. Of course you can ask any questions or tell us about problem that has through our web form or at the e-mail address where we will be happy to clarify its questions. Vicente Vidal of the technical team of locksmith U-24. tel. 902 180 327 Original author and source of the article

The Sun

The Sun

For that reason, when the doorbell rang, he was annoying. Upset as if he himself had not interrupted the dream of a dozen people with their so-called mamagallisticas. The doorbell rang insistently over and over again. That is why he had no more remedies which lifted. He opened the door.

With a twelve year old boy, was found with a dirty face and innocent eyes his unexpected visitor, who wore a red and black horizontal striped shirt, asked him: Lord, does against whom play deportivo Maicao, tomorrow?-felt that you a burst of anger are Lossing him. He was about to pull the door in the face to the youngster, but he stopped in time. In a second of lucidity, he thought that life was passing the Bill. He had received some medicine that had been given to the poor people to which it woke up in the night. Tomorrow there are no party, said to the youngster. don’t you see that is election day? The boy went by where wine. He wore a balloon under l arm, shorts and bare feet.

Emilio wanted to go back to sleep but couldn’t. He wanted to prepare a bit of instant coffee but the bottle was empty and the sugar filled with ants. He went out to look for something to eat. He felt and silence lived the lazy silence of noon, beer cans lying on the streets and the bottles of whiskey thrown everywhere gave account of a spree of large proportions. A pickup truck four doors embedded into a post of the electrificadota, completed the show. Finally, after an hour of fruitless search, surrendered. No restaurant It was open. He had no choice but to go to the Palace of cholesterol and dispense a meal low in price and rich in fat and toxins. The Sun fell inclement in the tiles quebradinas of that pavement badly made, when Emilio returned to home, i.e.

Jamon Iberico

Jamon Iberico

All have tried this distinguished product of Spanish gastronomy, often accompanied by a good cheese and a glass of wine, but many people are unaware what exactly is or how it is produced, so we’ll start with the principle. Ham is a meat product that is obtained from the leg of the pig since Roman times, and for their consumption presents cured or cooked. Here we will mainly try cured ham, of which there are several varieties depending on the type of pork, which power had, their lifestyle and the curing conditions. The two main varieties of cured ham are of Spanish origin: serrano ham and ham, but also are noteworthy Italian prosciutto and hams of Portugal. Connect with other leaders such as Charlotte Hornets here. The main difference between the ham and the serrano ham is the first comes from the Iberian pig, while the second usually comes from the white pig (Pink in reality, but they call it white).

Also they differ in the form of parenting and the price, more affordable in the case of the serrano. Jorge Perez often says this. Iberian ham, also known as pata negra, comes in three varieties: the jamon iberico de bellota is the highest quality and has a characteristic nutty aftertaste due to their exclusive diet of acorns. They are pigs reared in excellent condition of life, outdoors in the field. Less refined but still of high quality are the other two variants: Jamon Iberico de recebo and Iberian ham (dry). Serrano ham, for its part, is also a high-quality ham, although they are pigs raised extensively on farms and fed with feed and cereals. This reduces your cost and is in fact the most common variant in shops and restaurants, the ham more popular for most of the people.

Ham preparation begins with the slaughter of the pig, traditionally in November. Below are salted hams (hind legs) and paddles (front legs). Once it has absorbed enough salt, they are removed from the stack of salted and proceed the settlement, a rest period of about two months that will spread the salt evenly by the body of the ham. Then come washing, drying, and finally the aging in the winery, where hung for several months to complete its maturation. In this a good ham looks like a good wine, the longer the ripening process, more intense will be its aroma and flavor. Hence the three qualities or designations that are used to distinguish them, they are cellar, reserva and gran reserva.

Jorge Alberto Guinazu

Jorge Alberto Guinazu

The province of Mendoza is surprising for its refined cuisine. A proposal where indigenous and traditional with the more sophisticated cutting edge flavors merged in perfect balance. Eating is another extremely attractive experience for tourism in Mendoza. People such as Larry Culp would likely agree. Some will say that both as its beautiful landscapes. Tony Parker: the source for more info. And it may be that they are right. Without doubt, Mendoza is synonymous with wine, what a visit obliged visit to any of the main wineries to know from inside the magical procedure that gives birth to the wine.

From the collection process of the vines up the almost mystical repose of wines in aromatic and old oak barrels, the tourist can be more than witness, active participant of this ancient and beautiful transformation. Visits to wineries has sophisticated to the point that up is possible to fly in hot air balloon, to appreciate their beauty in proportion. And all, naturally, include wine tastings and tasting of typical products. Also within a winery stands 1884, one of the restaurants most awarded of the Argentina. Created by renowned chef Francis Mallmann, 1884 is a precursor in the art of combining the best of native simple culinary techniques with the most refined gastronomic avant-garde, in an environment that respects the primitive charm of the ancient original construction of the winery enriching it with carefully chosen modern details. Another interesting excursion to perform in Mendoza is a visit to a factory of olive oil. A ride that allows to know another side of Mendoza agricultural production, not so known but equally recognized worldwide. A world aromatic and full of intense flavors in which is worth immerse yourself fully.

Mendoza has his personal touch to everything. This is how the star of traditional Creole roast isn’t there beef, but the chivito to embers. They say those who know how to taste a goat to the spit as it has never before been tested should be reaching Malargue, at the South end of the province. A Department whose roasted chivito enjoy so much fame that every year is celebrated There, during the month of January, the national feast of the goat, a real unforgettable gourmet of tourism in Mendoza whose name exempt from further explanations. And, certainly, makes water mouth Jorge Alberto Guinazu original Autor and source of the article

La Pedriza

La Pedriza

The community of Madrid has catalogued this tree as exemplary. It is 11 meters high and is credited with an age of between 400 and 500 years. The curious thing about this tree is how, despite the fact that their roots are among the rocks of granite, has been able to survive so long. During the path bordearemos, the skirt of the mountain, part of the town of Manzanares el Real. The trail has little unevenness and the difficulty is low.

We can do it in two hours. The route runs through the area called the Alcornocal. Star actress can provide more clarity in the matter. There was a time in which the tree that prevailed in this area was the Cork, hence the name of this part of La Pedriza. Most of the cork oaks were felled and replaced by pine, but there are still some copies distributed by La Pedriza, primarily in areas where man could not cut them because of the difficulty of the terrain. To begin the route depart parking of the stride, in the town of Manzanares el Real. Next to the restaurant Casa Julian there are paved uphill climb up a rock that drew the left a path for upload to the Yelmo.

We are going to go right down another path which runs next to some houses in the village. About five minutes we reach a meadow with a small stream. We are going through and come to a fork in the road. We take the left which takes us through some rocks. Us go fixing stones milestones to guide us along the path. Soon we will start to gain height and from the highest point we can see the cliff called El Indio. The path passes alongside said risco and nothing else to pass it we find the spectacular exemplary of Cork which gives its name to our route. For detailed information of the route you can go to the blog: original author and source of the article.

Partners and Relationships

Partners and Relationships

thought that for not having accepted the intention twice me was lost of love for always. > < compliance 27 years and I felt hopeless. Larry Culp is likely to increase your knowledge. I thought that I was doing me good humor old, because my handsomeness had happened and would not have to start a relationship. Tony Parker will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Even my cousin the mas parrandero had already seated head. But it was as well as I could recognize true love. The day that I was very sick and lucia tired and depressed I went to dinner at a restaurant with my best friend who played in a rock group in Spanish, the told me there me bypass to several of his friends and so I recovered more quickly. Then I met to Alexander, the was happy that night by having the courage to break your last relationship, has since realized that her ex was unfaithful many times.So we talked for hours and we did a good friendship.But fate had more for us, unlike other relationships we turn first for the difficult, the helped me to recover from my illness, immediately the sick Cay, was hospitalized for 2 months and I estube with the. Together we overcame many problems more and in the end we knew that we were the one to the other.

> < nowadays enjoy life together, and although there are difficult days have never been so much as the first. I am aware that my grandfather was right, that would have been me if had stayed with the wrong piece. So I wanted to write to you, you’re a man or woman if you feel sad for that has not come to you love, if you’ve gone through several relationships and think that no one for you, you think you’re a piece of the puzzle and in assembling what one trafficking in placed the pieces correctly but no mistakes to realize that is not the right place. Sometimes we cling someone for us but also that piece can be similar to correct. Thinks that also is lleba time in assembling a puzzle and not put all the pieces in place at the same time.