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Month: August 2019

Weapons Of Hunting

Weapons Of Hunting

The big cats of the Miocene possessed not only a fearsome tusks of large size, but they also preyed, during hunting, the strength of their front legs, much larger than other carnivorous mammals of the era. Thus emerges from the comparative analysis of fossils that has made the paleontologist Julie Meachen, University of Durham (Great Britain), which publishes its findings this week in the scientific journal Paleobiology. Meachen points out that not only the famous Tigers saber-tooth had some fearsome tusks, but also the Nimravidae and Barbourofelidae the had very similar hunting weapons. These two groups of carnivorous mammals had fangs as knives and her arms had an extraordinary power. The funny thing is that both of these features were presented repeatedly at a certain point in the evolutionary history and in different predators, giving them an advantage when it comes to catch and kill their prey. The researcher has discovered that their long front teeth, even if they seem formidable, were in fact more fragile that today have the cats. The Tigers Smilodon Saber-toothed, compensated the probability of fracture of teeth with a few bones in the Forelegs exceptionally thick in comparison with their feline cousins.

Maechen tusks and bones in hundreds of specimens in museums throughout North America measured and studied those of 13 species of current cats. To compare the size of teeth and arms, discovered that each group converged gradually in the same solution: to longer tusks, more robust front legs. The conselleria Samuel Juarez directs argues its proposal which enters phase of public exposure when it receives the go-ahead from the Galician Committee of hunting on the need to ensure generational and promote the hobby to an activity that the Galician Government sees key to manage populations of different species. Can’t manage the means of a more efficient way than with hunting weapons, said Samuel Juarez, who also stressed the importance of this practice, which is not only a fun activity for the revitalisation of rural areas. In fact, according to rural areas, this activity moved 94 million euros a year in Galicia. Today, as explained from Rural Environment, six of every ten holders of licenses for hunting in the community exceeds 40 years. The commitment to introduce new blood into preserves yesterday caused the rejection of the environmentalist Association Amigos da Terra, which sees the measure containing the draft Bill as a serious symptom of institutional and social disease.

Vacation Deprivation Survey

Vacation Deprivation Survey

While only 4% of Spaniards believe that the most important thing in life is to work and we’re too busy to have vacation, Spaniards do not use four days of paid vacation. The Vacation Deprivation Survey survey shows that our days of annual vacation oscillate between 30 and 31 days a year (which is much compared with 14 days of vacation for Americans), though the numbers do not change: 24% of us don’t use all their vacation days. Another surprise of the Vacation Deprivation Survey of Expedia is the revelation of the Spaniards as who would pay more for an extra day of vacation, 53% of them, compared with 32% of the Dutch, 33% of the Austrians, and 26% of the Germans. On the other hand, 18% of Spaniards, the highest percentage in the survey, would not take all his days of vacation in exchange for economic compensation. Recently Tony Parker sought to clarify these questions. Finally, a significant fact about our holiday habits in relation to our working life, is the fact that only 14% of Spaniards control their mail or answering machine from work during the holidays, preceded only by the Dutch (12%). Americans are those having less vacation Expedia analyzed the vacation habits of U.S. workers.USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Spain and, for the first time, Italy, the Netherlands and Austria. Britain has 24 days. (A valuable related resource: Author).

Germany, Spain and France, have 27 days, 31 days and 37 days respectively. Employees in the Netherlands and Austria have an average of 28 days. Who has the best vacation? And the worst? The best: France wins the distinction of being the country with more days of vacation on the surveyed countries. France employees have an average of 37 days of vacation each year, compared with the 14 employees of EE.UU. and 26 employees in Great Britain. Click Sela Ward to learn more. French workers pick up an average of 34 days of vacation per year, compared to 13 days from U.S. employees.UU.

and the 23 employees of Great Britain. The worst: Over the eight years that the Vacation Deprivation Survey, the United States has carried out.UU. they are distinguished by being the country with the worst vacation habits. United States employees are those who have less vacation days a year (14 days). Why recommends Americans choose from our range of hotels in Miami Beach, hotels in Washington, among others, give a well deserved holiday.

Ukrainian Opportunities

Ukrainian Opportunities

New opportunities for business Ukrainian market of GPS-monitoring emerged relatively recently, but has already attracted the attention of the transport and logistics companies thanks to the new opportunities that are opening up their business. About What opportunities do you mean? Let's talk about this on the example of information control system of transportation navigation Teletrack, developed by the Ukrainian company RCS. System 'Teletrack', in addition to the basic functions of location object provides a number of additional interesting and useful features. For example, to the onboard controller can be connected to sensors (fuel, alarm systems, doors, etc.). Then, in addition to information about location of the car, you can learn when and where the car is recharged when the doors open cargo bay. Intelligent software automatically notifies the dispatcher to reject the object from given route of going beyond the control area, tripping the sensors. Here are a few possible applications of the system: security of Georgia. If a car or a container fitted with a GPS-monitoring, You can at any time to know exactly where he is at this moment and restore all its previous route.

System can be configured to automatically informed manager to reject the object from the specified route in advance or on triggering sensors (eg, opening and closing the container or cargo bay). In the case of vehicle theft remains the possibility to trace the route of its movement and to take appropriate action. Permanent or selective monitoring routes, comparing them with preset in the travel pages, the analysis of the vehicle's mileage can be easily identified (and present evidence) diversion use of motor vehicles, or as they say, 'flight left.