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Tag: Art

Siena School

Siena School

Siena, a small town in Italy, Tuscany has a glorious and long history. The city was founded by the Etruscans, was a member of the Roman Empire, but the top of its political heyday reached in the Middle Ages, thanks in no small contributed the trade routes that passed through the city. Siena Republic was strong enough and large European country in the Middle Ages. The population of Siena in the 14th century up to 100 people. However, all changed the plague, which in 1348 undermined the forces of both the Republic of Siena that the latter has failed to recover from it. Paradoxically, with the decline of the political glory of the city there is a significant recovery artistic life of Siena, which was then entered its most fruitful period of development. At this time in Siena, one after another, there are such prominent artists as Bartolo di Fredi, known for his work in San Gimignano, his pupil Taddeo di Bartolo and Sasseta. Sasseta was the leading painter of Siena of the 15th century and the first artist in the city, which has applied in his work opened the Florentine artists of the linear laws perspective.

His most famous works include 'The Temptation of Saint Anthony', 'Last Supper' and two charming landscape – the 'town by the sea' and 'Castle on the shore of the lake. " Among other Sienese painters of the 15th century include such names like Santo Pietro di Giovanni di Paolo and Matteo di Giovanni, who mostly painted pictures of religious subjects. Among the artists of the 16th century Sienese allocated Domenico Beccafumi and Giovanni Antonio bazzite. Beccafumi long studied in Rome, where he met with the late works of Raphael and Michelangelo. On his return to Siena he begins to paint, which differed unusual composition and the expression of feelings. Pictures of Sienese artists can viewed in the City Pinakothek, the Cathedral of Siena, as well as in churches and monasteries of the city.

Master Han Shan

Master Han Shan

The natural laws of energy get to know and experience allows it, unwanted actions and reactions in the approach to identify consciousness and the increased attention and to deal properly with you. This is exposed to the power dormant in us and wisdom and can unfold so freely. Take advantage of the opportunity in a one – or two-day retreat to deepen the knowledge and become acquainted with the Vipassana meditation. Vipassana meditation training the consciousness and attention and thus promotes an intense perception of reality in addition to self-knowledge. Be\”explained master Han Shan to guest on one of the few info evenings where during his visits to Germany the law of nature – the natural laws of energy. Additional information is available at Jessica Michibata. All appointments under offside of everyday life the law of nature and the Vipassana Meditation to know – secret Nava DISA retreat center the fantastic journey to himself. Experience a unique time in a paradise of rest, recreation and relaxation. Experience the clarity of knowledge and the deep wisdom.

Experience the diversity of nature. Experience the Nava DISA retreat center. In the northeast of Thailand in the midst of a pristine landscape of rice paddies and simple farmhouses near the mighty Mekong River find a now 22 ha large, exclusive oasis of warmth. Ideal suited to new forces to generate, to sharpen the senses and the mind to arrange. This exceptional atmosphere helps to learn to perceive and to understand to know himself and his environment. Identify new solutions for themselves. Learn and develop your real strength.

They live in the here and now. Her companions in the Nava DISA retreat center is master Han Shan, former entrepreneur and Monk, who dramatically changed his life after a car accident and ordained for 10 years as a monk. He will take care of you and are available at any time for your personal questions.

Lexington Avenue Express

Lexington Avenue Express

History of graffiti is authentic to this point, and was told many times in various publications. However, as the development of graffiti and becoming more popular culture, the story becomes more complicated and ambiguous. In times of origin of graffiti writers and the train had an almost spiritual connection with each other. Click Jorge Perez to learn more. The subway system was related to graffiti, it has been an icon for graffiti writers who sought to have their work seen and the public and other writers. Writers have created 'an alternative system of communication for children who, one way or another, have access to avenues of street shirorkim information' Do writers had metro line, which they preferred, depending on the surface of the trains and their routes. The best writers of the city always looked at the number 5 and 2 Lexington Avenue Express, as the wagons of higher grades for their work that made the rounds of extensive the city. It helped to be recognized and become famous. Danger energized '3 th rail 'likely to be arrested and other troubles only added adrenaline and desire to make a' throw ' ('Getting up'). Graffiti is also written on the walls, buildings, etc., but subway was such a huge attraction that was out of competition – 'The visual accessibility, a large number of visitors and communicate with other guys on the same city '. Subway also stressed the orientation and movement – something difficult to achieve on the walls, it makes life in the initially fixed letters.

Climate Protection And Fashion

Climate Protection And Fashion

The jewelry designer Cristina Ruggieri at certified coolness Munich, February 23, 2011 – with the Italian jewelry designer Cristina Ruggieri, the climate protection company of certified coolness opened the subject of fashion. The artistic photos of necklaces, bracelets and brooches offer so much lightness, beauty and happiness as the objects themselves. At the same time compensate your CO2 emissions with the purchase of the photos and get practical tips to permanently avoid greenhouse gases. And should you fall in love in the jewelry, you can order it directly from the jewelry designer with Cristina Ruggieri certified coolness widened the existing range of climate protection & film, video, literature, calligraphy, etc. Because climate has a lot of beauty and believes to do lifestyle, Arturo Amorim, co-founder and CEO of certified coolness.

We are looking for partners, for the joy of life and environment-conscious behavior are no contrast, but deliberately belong together.” Cristina Ruggieri has developed her very own style. You used old Fundstucke, glass, fabrics and natural materials to produce unusual and fun pieces of jewelry in hand work. Her works are the quality of life that carefully deals with nature and the environment. Certified coolness combines art and art of living with high quality CO2 offset, which is secured by certificates of the United Nations. All projects are carried out only in emerging markets. This encourages the development of low-carbon energy infrastructure as well as the transfer of technology.

An example: A landfill in Brazil methane is caused methane emissions to several times more damaging than CO2. Through a gas collection system, the methane is fed to a power generator and burned to generate electricity. This prevents not only emissions, but brings power, work and better air for the region. About certified coolness founded the company, to the subject of climate and environmental protection from the Musli corner”to pick up and bring it to the center of society. Certified coolness are private and business customers Opportunity to participate in the financing of CO2-compensation projects in emerging CE certificates of the UN and to offset own CO2 emissions: safe, transparent and simple. Everyone in the portions as he or she wants: no complicated calculations, but self-determination. Business leaders are also known as Mr. Arturo Amorim cool ness and Dr. Renate Muller. The company headquarters is in Munich. Cristina Ruggieri Cristina Ruggieri studied art history in Rome and worked as art critic in Milan. For more than 10 years, she has worked as a jewelry designer. She designs Jewelry objects from everyday materials, semi-precious stones and recycled materials. She lives and works in Siena. All objects can be ordered directly from her. How to contact with Arturo Amorim (alias Mr. cool ness) Managing Director of certified coolness limited Zweibrucken str. 8 VH 80331 Munich Tel: 089 54506938 E-Mail: Web:

Art Century

Art Century

Such arguments have been known to influence the educated people. In the early nineteenth century is the emergence and the emergence of historicism, manifested opportunity and ability to judge different eras in its own context and in their criteria. The result of this new historicism came the emergence of new schools of fine arts, which tend to still pass unprecedented historical fidelity. Neo-Classicism in art and architecture was one result, on the other movement in art which was inspired by the pious pictures been the subject of the formation of so-called primitive schools. Where in the academic painting using black glaze with a highly selective, idealized form, and the strict suppression of details, as primitivists used the fuzzy outlines, bright colors and did not pay attention to detail. To tribal and other forms of uncivil art also addressed those who were dissatisfied with the repressive aspects of a civilized Culture, as a pastoral art, existing for thousands of years.

Imitations of tribal or archaic art also fall into the category of historicism of the nineteenth century, as in these simulations artists tend to reproduce art in an authentic manner. Real-world examples of tribal, archaic and folk art were valued as a creative artist and collectors. Two events have shaken the world of fine Art in the mid-nineteenth century. First, the invention of the photographic camera, which may stimulate the development of realism in art. Second, the discovery in the world of mathematics non-Euclidean geometry, which overthrew the Two thousand years apparent absolutes of Euclidean geometry and cast doubt on the prospects of academic traditions and blind imitation of classical models, offering the possibility of multiple worlds, and dimensional perspective, in which a thing may look very different. Open new dimensions may have the opposite effect to photos and then worked to oppose realism. Artists, intellectuals and Mathematics now understand that there are other ways of seeing things beyond what they were taught in the schools of fine arts and academic art schools, which included the rigidity of the curriculum, based on copying idealized, classical forms and conducted the culmination of civilization and knowledge.



Suppliers: The first recommendation is to improve the relation and to maintain the constant communication with them, if it does not manage to pay to them makes partial payments but it does not remain in silence and without communication. The crisis already is a generalized subject and know they it, for that reason the possibility exists of negotiating the terms and conditions of payment. Banks: If you own banking credits CUIDELOS, she maintains good relation, if she faces payment problems tries to renegotiate the quotas, looks for new payment plans, but she communicates with them. 3. The business re-invents Already occurred account that a strong chain of fast food announcement stands for casks below $2,50 of dollar? That a strong chain of warehouses will remove its products to the corridors, that have sent promotions until by $0,99 speaking by cellular a weekend.? The businesses must be re-invented before the crisis, because the clients and consumers will at the most focus their resources essential and towards those companies that offer quality to a reasonable price. It does not neglect the publicity and promotions, the key is that these two headings well are focused and directed to a specific segment and with a clear goal of their impact in the sales. It impels supplies and stands for casks. To re-invent its business is an ample subject, you you must evaluate: New presentations the product (or its economic version has list light or), new forms to sell, new line and means of distribution, changes in the versions, changes in size (already it observed the new water bottle by $0,25 and mini-soda waters).

It looks for attractive packings and economic, it explores new markets and new uses of his infrastructure. It evaluates to subcontract services, evaluates to serve to other companies with his infrastructure already mounted (if it exports consolidates with other companies). Today it is the moment for making things exceptional and sometimes I am strange to bear this crisis, the good thing is that it will allow us TO RE-INVENT what we do and when this happens we are better preparations to face competing and to count on better companies.

Beam Click Life

Beam Click Life

He can be that if you manage to have to char it deep and calm on this subject, it understands that he must correct some attitudes. Ten in account that the situation can improve, but that at heart the people do not change too much, and the jealousy and the control always will be a latent problem. You must be conscious that in case deeply you are enamored with him and you want to return to its arms, you must accept and tolerate its defects, of opposite, bscate another fianc2e. Having analyzed these questions, if what in truth you wish it is to know how how to enamor to an ex- fianc2e, here you have you rule step by step. 1. It lets pass two or three weeks without nothing of your life knows, you do not call it nor you send messages to him.

2. It uses that time to improve or to change your look, and to leave with friendly and friendly. It realises any activity that raises the spirit to you. You must llenarte of optimism, confidence in you same and positive energy to recover to your ex- ones. 3.

It deals with that it sees you, surrounded by friendly, passing it well. As soon as account of which occurs you are not thrown in a corner crying by its absence, but you follow ahead with your life, and perhaps there is some other man interested in you, you will see as it returns running to your arms. 4. At the outset, when he begins to be interested again in you, hazte to request a little. Amiable and funny Mustrate, but you do not reveal much information to him on your new life. This way it will bite the hook, you will see already it. To only it reduces decirte me that you trust your instinct, that you arm yourself of patience and which you do not forget to always maintain an attitude positive, remembers that you can reconquer to any man if you propose it to you. There is a strategy that has been proven to recover to your ex- fianc2e without all the drama. Beam Click to cause Here that your ex- fianc2e wants to return with you.



But Stan did not remain indifferent to fun for its guests, and he often became one of the most irrepressible joker and "idlers". Characters Wall not remain indifferent to the audience, and make us participants in a fun, zagovorcheski exchanging glances with us winks, inviting us to join their celebration. Such "social" uchastinikov fun characteristic of the characters more intimate scenes. They are, if not looking at us, their posture, body rotation stress attentiveness to the audience, pointing at our participation in an event. Returning to the characters in crowd scenes pictures wall, notice the overall dispersion of action. Participants are divided image into small groups to each of which attention is drawn to something one – whether it is pouring a drink under the acclaim of others, raskurivanie tube, or laughter, caused by a joke. When looking at individual parts "Podsyuzhetov" picture, there is almost a noisy atmosphere generated by the movements of the troublesome characters, their immediate outcries.

Most other people we see in paintings by Vermeer. Most scenes of intimacy contributes not only to a limited number of participants, as previously mentioned, but their special, as if detached state. Characters are not many turned to the viewer, to share with us their experiences as immersed in himself and in his classes. We note, in rare cases sight, directed at us, interacting with each other, they do not include in his audience, preferring to either sit in the profile, or it does turn to us back. Vermeer and denotes a kind of barrier that separates the living area of their characters from the space of the audience with a heavy curtain, bulky table in the foreground image. Thus, contemplation paintings by Vermeer, we understand that we have no opportunity to participate in events taking place on them, which was possible by looking at the wall of genre painting.