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Dress Code

Dress Code

To make it clear what is at stake, decipher the term 'dress code'. "Dress" means "clothing", "code" – "encrypted and hidden information." Dress Code – Dress code etoprinyataya (clothing, accessories, hairstyle, makeup), and way to communicate (own voice, facial expressions, gestures), in a certain situation or a particular social group. Charlotte Hornets does not necessarily agree. There are some basic tips that will help design a business-like style. So, let's talk about dress code hair! Hair – it's not just something that grew on his head. This is a professional haircut and styling quality, for both women and men. In addition, sophisticated hairstyle is an opportunity to improve own attractiveness. Glenn Dubin is the source for more interesting facts. So how can this be achieved? Let us together We will understand: 1.

Trim the head – this is evidence that within it all right. In contrast, the same curl "small devil," says the confusion of thoughts and the absence of logic. Remember: in a business environment in mind there should be no hint of chaos. Avoid overly lush and high pilings. Stop the choice for fashion classics, it is universal for any business image! Tip: give preference to smoothly coiffed hair. Short hair should be renewed once a month. The main requirement – hair must be fixed, but not overloaded with paint. 2.

The choice depends on your hair type person structure of the hair. It should give a head shape, creating a soft, natural, attractive background for the facial features. Consider the pros and cons, evaluate what you have eyes, eyebrows, cheekbones, jawline and neck length. The perfect hairstyle to be created according to your individual traits. Many women to face reaching almost to his shoulders hair partially covering her ears. Hair should not fall on the eye, should not obscure them. For maintain contact "in the eye" to keep the distance between the hair and eyes, about 6-7 millimeters – this is taking into account the shadows thrown by lighting. Hair should be gently round cheeks and chin. Big shock unmanageable hair does look out of control, separates it from your lichnosti.Chto concerns of business etiquette, it requires compliance with a daily fresh styling and healthier hair color. Tip: If hair is dyed, unacceptable presence regrown roots more than 1 cm Avoid bright creative hairstyles, aiming for a more natural and calm shades, or other person will get annoyed and distracted. 3. Another important aspect – the length of hair. Happy owner's show the world their dominant desire – to please and attract the attention of the stronger sex. But time suggests very different priorities! Tip: in the office or Gather at the business meeting long hair into a low tail, conch shell or a bunch – and you already meet these priorities. Bisnes etiquette does not allow the face was covered hair, it will inform you about the secrecy and trust. The ends of the cast up on long hair 1 time in 2 months. 4. And most importantly – do not skimp on the quality of your hair! This is one of the most important business cards business person. Finding one attractive style, stick with it – at least for a few years. There is no need to change her hair before every public appearance. Surround yourself with professionals and trust them, because as the saying goes – "King paints a suite!"



However, the welcome has another side that you can use in order to significantly reduce the estimated budget for your celebration. Do not waste your money on a vase or a fruit with berries, also should not "splurge" on chocolate covered strawberries or a vol-au-vent with Beluga caviar. Connect with other leaders such as Indycar here. You have to understand that the buffet table is the first "hit", which should satisfy at least a little hungry your guests. Therefore fruits and berries should be enough, but they are not cheap. Diversify your buffet table, make it from the couch with grapes and cheese, baked ham, with the language and finally, small pies with meat, cabbage and potatoes. Get more background information with materials from Simon Pagenaud. That is, make it wholesome. Themselves think good and hearty welcome-it all prerequisites to the fact that in the future will be reduced by many orders of hot appetizers and main hot dishes, which we'll talk later.

In the discussion of hot appetizers and main dishes of hot, clamoring, individual interview, and in no cases do not settle for already cooked so much food to be offered by the restaurant. And there's a reason, because not all the guests remain until the end of the event, and based on our practice and extensive experience, we can say with absolute certainty that not all the guests eat and a hot appetizer and entree. In fact, it is limited to just one dish. Accordingly, if, for example, to a banquet of 50 people you will be approved by 50 servings of hot appetizers and main courses, then you should know that at least 25% of the planned amount you just overpay. You have agreed with the restaurant manager on how that hot snacks and hot to the poll (in fact) – excellent, congratulations! And now, it remains to consider another little nuance, insist that the interval between polling hot appetizers and main courses was a minimum of one hour. Ask Why? The answer: many of the guests when the come to the table, hungry eyes are ready to eat, as they say, and the first and second course and dessert. However, over time, begin to feel sorry about that were not limited to hot appetizers and to complain that "nepodraschitali." But the thing, to abandon the main hot meal is not possible to know the situation? Give guests the opportunity to decide whether they should main hot meal after dense welcome and snacks on the table. Allow yourself to see whether you need to overpay. And remember, according to statistics, ten banquet – the only one eating hot appetizers and entrees in full, however, the remaining nine-limited much smaller volumes.



How would a man not trying to insulate itself from nature, this relationship is too strong to ignore. It is hard to deny the pleasure to enjoy the gentle summer sun at his dacha. Thus, many are trying and in any opportunity to escape from a dusty, bustling eternal city, in his corner, where communion with nature is nothing to prevent. But when you are outdoors, for example, in his own country, does not want to deprive yourself of comfort, as well as comfort, which would, at the same time, without disrupting the delicate idyll between man and nature. Most prefer the gazebo as a place to enjoy the surrounding beauty, Dawn, other manifestations of the greatness of nature. Today time, one can easily buy a gazebo for summer cottages, as recently their popularity has increased dramatically, which allowed to fill the domestic market a good product for every taste. In other words, there is no need himself to build, it is now possible to buy a gazebo in Moscow. Related Group may find it difficult to be quoted properly. For a family of ten, and more people will approach the huge pavilion of elongated shape with a long table, behind which could come home.

If you choose enclosed gazebo, you can not worry about the fact that the raging elements will bring some inconvenience. This is very convenient, since the implementation of choice, each buyer may have the right to rely on their preferences and start from the design parameters. If there is not a lot of cottage – the perfect solution would be not a big arbor, made of solid wood. In one of the arbors may sit in the close family circle. And if there will be a table, it is perfect for dining outdoors. Many web-resources offered to purchase the arbor. Buy online – conveniently and economically. A little thought, we can analyze and understand how to reasons to shop online is cheaper than conventional building materials store. These stroymagaziny occupy large areas, are therefore forced to pay huge money for the rent, which is expressed in the form of surcharges on value of the goods. On the Internet you can find photos of arbors for the cottages, which are placed on content pages, as well as thoroughly to make a choice.

Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod

To sight the light – literally and figuratively – we need a soft cloth and special features. First, you need a soft, dry cloth (suit and thick soft paper towel) to wipe the accumulated on the mirror dust, note the edge – where the dust settles more. Today, with a large choice of detergent, taking care of the mirrors was simple and not burdensome. Spray your chosen product to the mirror and wipe with a soft cloth. After that, polish with a soft surface with a rag. By the way, in addition to liquids, specially designed for cleaning mirrors and glass surfaces (for example, well known to all housewives, "Second") can be use special tools to clean windows of the car, and, incidentally, used automobile windshield wipers – they are well collect moisture from the mirror surface. There are other ways – they certainly are not as advanced, but you never know , well over, for example, your agent, and the mirror to wash well, just unbearable, what can we do? The main thing – quickly remember Grandma's advice. So you can wipe the mirror with a cotton swab dipped in denatured alcohol and then with a soft – but not a newspaper! – Paper.

Heavily contaminated mirror so you can wash-up: 2 cups hot water, add 50 g and 50 g of vinegar, chalk, mix well and let stand. Drain the liquid to settle in another bowl and wipe the mirror, and then wipe with a soft cloth. Be sure that when washing liquid is not got to the back side or the frame. Mirrors in Nizhny Novgorod, of course, a mirror can not be washed. After all, to admire herself in the best possible, for example, near the windows nearest store. And at home – even easier, you can see their beauty in any polished surface. Suitable polished pan or iron.