Law Leagues

Law Leagues

He is then that the liberal government, in an attempt of controlaressa situation, allows the creation of urban and agricultural unions legally, eassim appear the Leagues Peasants, the expression biggest of coordination of the classescamponesas in guaranteeing right longed for its. Thus it defines Jesus Izquierdo aao of the Leagues: ' ' to just complain mere the payment of wages and atransparncia in the form as the same he was effected, had started to demand of the Estadoaes concrete that mechanisms established that allowed to satisfy aospobres other aspirations human beings beyond fome' '. 5 the cohesion of the workers and its yearnings for cultivaremem its proper lands had taken the Leagues to a terrenosabandonados campaign of invasion of. The large estate owners had answered the invasions with old argumentodas weapons. Jorge Perez will not settle for partial explanations. During this tense period the reform is promulgated that to iriarepercutir deeply in the Columbian society.

In 1936 the Lei200, said &#039 is promulgated; ' Law of the Terra' '. Through it umareforma is proposal agrarian radical, in which the peasants now would be proprietriosdas lands where they worked, thus generating a convulsion in the relations nocampo. On this new proposal, Alfredo Molano comments: Aeso signific, basically, that los entrminos campesinos generales tuvieran acceso there tierra that trabajan as propriedad. As el heading in the woollen age el requisite propriedad bell el trabajo on latierra. Eso signific un radical exchange en los wools you relate because campesinosinvadan wools tierras, if metan the great wools haciendas y reclamaban lapropriedad on esos lands, lo that of course concit there oposicin of losdueos of wools haciendas that apelaron en muchssimas you cause to the wools weapons to paradevelar esos 6 campesinos intentions of apropiacin woollen tierra. In the practical one, this decision of the government obtained only agravarainda more the conflict, therefore in no hypothesis the great ones would fazendeirosacatariam this proposal.

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