Free Training

Free Training

Introduction to theory and practice of youth group leader with topics such as supervision, games basics, educational foundations on the 15th to 17th January finds in the Saarland Ludweiler the second startup seminar at the beginning of the JuLeiCa training range of the country youth movement Saarland instead. The startup seminar is designed but also as the first event in the new year for the ‘old’ supervisor of the national youth work as information event for fans and future maintainers. Here, the team of the AK presents itself to training, explains the content and implementation of planned seminars and holiday camps. Also it gives an overview of the youth work, what we do, where you can make with of course, the working groups will be presented, there is a site guide and the possibility for the future seminars to exchange ideas to form carpools. Since 2013 at the entry level seminar is that experienced handlers, as well as interested young people who want to learn about the seminar series, together take part in the startup seminar a complete weekend takes place and right content goes to show a cross-section of the variety of topics, ranging from educational basics about games, creative tinkering as well as pictures of the last startup seminar gives legal basis under seminars-> pictures of seminars participation in this and all further seminars within the framework of the JuLeiCa administrator training in the country youth work of AWO Saarland are free, and the accommodation and catering. The registration can be done by phone under: 06898/85094-0 or via the Internet site of the national youth work. There are all information and dates at a glance see:

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