

Then, the creation of this state, on the other hand will be very important for the growth of the region, also to the sprouting of new chances of job, companies of other regions will come to here. Also it has the other side of the question: with the creation of this state, with certainty it went increases the taxes, the merchandises will go to be more expensive, also unhappyly will go increases crime because of the amount of people, she will not be more so calm as now because many roberies go to occur and go to be more dangerous the streets, this go to be problems. Still I am drifter, more I am more in favor of what against. STATE OF THE TAPAJS ALESSANDRA OF 2 BIRTH LINS How we can speak of this subject? It will be what with the creation of the State of the Tapajs will have improvement? I find that yes and that not. It will bring development for Itaituba and more economy and much job, beyond coming to many people of are here and this will be good for development of Itaituba? Many people in Itaituba think that this will be very bad for city. Follow others, such as Related Group, and add to your knowledge base. But, if never not to try we will go for front. In mine to think will bring more improvement for hospitals, schools and small companies.

But also it will not be easy for other people who live in the interior of Par. Also it can mainly increase the misery of other people. this that I find of the creation of the State of the Tapajs.

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