Covenant Pact

Covenant Pact

(See Maimonides laws of idolatry Cap. 1). d. participation in the physical world. i.

Christianity commonly treats the physical world as a bad thing that should be avoided. Mary, the most sacred Christian woman is portrayed as a Virgin. Among the priests and the nuns are celibate. The monasteries are in places remote and away. II.

on the contrary, Judaism believes that God created the physical world for our benefit, not to frustrate us. Jewish spirituality is obtained through the use of the physical world in a way that elevates it. Intimate relationships in an appropriate context is one of the holiest acts that a person can perform. III. the Talmud for example mentions that if a person has the opportunity to try a new fruit and refuses to do so, you will need to held accountable for this in the next world. Also, Jewish rabbinical schools teach how to act properly in the commercial field. The Jews are not removed from life, lifting it. 2 Evaluate now Jesus as a Messiah. Jews do not accept Jesus as their Messiah because Jesus not fulfilled the Messianic prophecies. What is what the Messiah has to achieve? The Bible says that you should: a. build the third temple as this written in the book of Ezekiel 37: 26-28: (26) and I will make with them peace, perpetual Covenant Pact will be with them; and I will establish them and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary among them forever. (27) Shall be in the midst of them my Tabernacle, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. (28) And you know the Nations I the Lord do sanctify to Israel, when my sanctuary in the midst of them for always., and we are still waiting. b. gather all the Jews returned to the land of Israel, as is written in the book of Isaiah 43: 5-6, (5) fear not, for I am with thee; I will bring your generation in the East, and West you gather.

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