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The first good advice exceeds how to remain pregnant quickly he is not to be hopeless. Often the search of a pregnancy causes much anxiety in both, but this state of stress it has a negative effect, since it can get to delay the arrival of the wished pregnancy. It is why you must stop thinking all the day about that, deals with distraerte realising some new activity, some course, or you can dedicarte organize vacations or one reforms in house. Any excuse is good to distract the mind and to be relaxed. Secondly advice: you must have sexual relations with a certain frequency, three times per week would be ideal.

Of this form you have good chances for maintaining relations the most fertile days of the month right. Third party: you can concentrarte in some tracks that they indicated to you which are these fertile days. If the cycles tend to be regular, you must reduce 14 days to the duration of those cycles, and only will know which is the precise day of the ovulation. That is to say, if you have cycles of 28 days of duration, you will ovulate during day 14 of the cycle, this one is a fertile day, and also they are it both previous days. In addition, if you observe a flow in the vagina without color, definitively you are in your more fertile days. Quarter: you can buy in your local pharmacy an ovulation test, using the urine. When you believe that you are near your day of ovulation, it realises the test.

If it gives positive, it is hour to call to your man and to put hands to the work. Fifth: you must know that the majority of the healthy and healthful pairs, without specific problems to conceive, secures a pregnancy in the first six months search, but a 10% of these pairs can delay until a year, and another 10% can delay still months more. Perhaps in the case of you, it takes something of time to secure the pregnancy, and if it is thus, it will not have how to more quickly remain pregnant, they will have to arm itself of patience.

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