

In full debate on whether slim or not the autonomous administrations, initiated by Mariano Rajoy, our Vice President Gerardo Camps must decide if it indebted or to the community in the 500 million more for those who are not authorized. At the moment, Artur Mas he has already said to Rodriguez Zapatero that Catalonia does needs to do it even if you have exhausted your credit limit because of the pufo that his predecessor, Jose Montilla has left him. All this happens in the week in which Angela Merkel arrives in Madrid to review our accounts in full buzz by the German bid to host Spanish graduates who cannot find work in our country. This possibility is not novel, since in the past two years have already emigrated 120,000 young Spaniards aged 25 to 35, professional highly qualified all of them to other countries. As if our labour market problems were not few, we dedicate ourselves, because to receive immigrants without training and export graduates with talent. Already the Professor had foreseen this sad scenario Santiago child in his lucid book the crash of 2010, pointing out the shortcomings of a Spanish economy dedicated to labour intensive activities, which generate little value added and make us more dependent on the external sector and credit. Did his devastating diagnosis, concluded that the world has been too many years malbaratando resources and that, in the Spanish case, consistent outside depression can extend until 2020?.

If that is not sufficient to depress us, accounts of the Generalitat are even more complicated. Everyone agrees that the Consell plans layoffs widespread in public after enterprises of elections, obviously. On the other hand, although Paula Sanchez de Leon rebata the thesis privatisation of public television that the National Secretariat of the PP, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, advocates the RTVV has to cope with impending payment that can not deal and already some providers refuse to continue giving service. Even the until recently little seemingly healthy Bancaixa just announced on lips of Jose Luis Olivas will need to further adjust the staff and offices to sell to raise cash. But, is it possible that all administrations, financial institutions, private, are made to liquidate assets at the same time without compromising the market why? Of course not.

So we will have to tighten us belt more than others. Not in vain our unemployment rate of 22.9% is higher than the Spanish average, so we need that the GDP will grow more than 2 per cent per annum to create employment. We are also to the queue at the level of primary and secondary education and the financial cost of our debt exceeds spending in the administration staff. These are a few examples of the Decade of austerity that awaits us. And it is that, although the political class follow preaching another thing, those happy times of hard four pesetas had become definitely history.

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