Ale People

Ale People

The preferences for the Orkut and Youtube also make reference to reference the numbers presented in the theoretical referencial, for which the Orkut is the used net more in Brazil and the Youtube registers, approximately, three millions of accesses in the month. Another factor important to be detached is amount of people who had received some type of communication by means of the nets (to see figure 14), where, practically, seventy and five percent had received promotions, banners, links promocionais, and cinquenta percent had affirmed to have carried through some negotiation saw net social. Making an evaluation with the data of the theoretical referencial, for which 20 million people had carried through purchases for the Internet, this number still is medium, showing that the entrepreneurs and professionals of marketing must give more attention to this communication channel. Figure 14? Act of receiving of information saw nets social Source: personal quantity (2010) Ahead of the information presented in the research, is concluded that an ample field very exists to be worked by the entrepreneurs or for its professionals of marketing with regard to the communication saw nets social, mainly, in the local market, since the majority of the interviewed people still uses the nets social with the main objectives: to keep contacts with friends and leisure. However, when questioned on the reason not to buy, had affirmed that they had not carried through purchases for not considering offers interesting at the moment, that is, are opened for negotiations, since that the offers are attractive, credibilizando, thus, the negotiations for the Internet, being that the majority of the interviewed ones informed to have access links of companies by means of redes.CONSIDERAES FINAISAs social nets already is part of the daily one of thousand of people.

The growth of the world-wide economy, the technological changes and in the habits of the society make with that this reality grows to each day. The main advantage of the social nets is the low cost of operation, when compared with other medias, and its power of abrangncia. The social nets are an excellent mechanism of feedback, that it provides the monitoramento of what is being commented on the company in the Internet. Another characteristic of the social medias is the capacity of potencializar action of marketing, a time that the sites facilitate I redispatch it snapshot of information between the users. In accordance with the effected bibliographical research for composition of this article, was possible to conclude that, a company to reach a success platform and to remain in the market with competitiveness, is essential that she extends the communication with its customers, and a way for that is creating a profile in a social net, being necessary to be intent what if passes in the nets, creating a next relationship and transimitindo confidence for its customers. As Fusco (2009), great companies had obtained excellent results with the use of the nets, such as: the campaign of marketing carried through for the net of Ale ranks, that involved internautas, interested drivers and in music, reverse speed

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