Member States

Member States

Calls on the Commission, Council and Member States to develop and implement an effective and active policy for security in the information society, and insists that under this policy will pay special attention to increase awareness of all users of modern communication systems in the protection of confidential information, further emphasizes the establishment of a coordinated network of agencies at European level that can provide practical assistance in the design and implementation of comprehensive protection strategies; 29. Calls on the Commission and Member States to take appropriate measures to promote, develop and produce technologies and European encryption software and, in particular, to support projects aiming at developing encryption software easier to use and whose source code be public; 30.

Urges the Commission and Member States to promote software projects open source, since this is the only way to ensure that no offer “back doors” that may make them vulnerable; 31. Real-estate developer may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Calls on the Commission to determine the rating of the security level of software for the exchange of electronic correspondence, placing those packages whose source code is not public in the least reliable ‘category; 32. Urges the EU institutions and public administrations of Member States systematically to encrypt e-mails so that ultimately, this practice becomes the norm; 33. Calls on the Community institutions and public administrations of Member States to provide training for their staff and to familiarize himself with new encryption technologies and techniques through the implementation of practices and training requirements; 34..

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