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Bonsai Water

Bonsai Water

In order to realise correctly well-taken care of of the Adenium, it is important to know certain aspects botanical. She is original of the east and the tropical south and subtropical of Africa and Arabia and in its natural state, it is a tree of great size. In order to decorate the house, it is sold in the form of small shrub in flowerpot, as it plants graft and it compacts, of exotic aspect with beautiful flowers. Also it emphasizes the characteristic thickening of the base of its trunk, call technically caudex, and that works like water storeman. His caudex makes look itself him like a Bonsai. The Adenium is an ornamental plant of interior as long as it has great luminosity. But the climatology is good, perfectly works as plant from garden to the outside.

When the plant is adult, the adenium becomes a tree. Therefore, with time and planted the garden, one will become a perennial shrub that can reach easily to the 3 meters of height. And if the climatologic conditions are the suitable ones and with time, its height can surpass the five meters easily. By as much, we have this aspect in account at the time of choosing the zone of its plantation. Before we have spoken of caudex, this condition serves to him to realise water reserves reason why it can resist the periods of drought very well. In case this takes place, it does not have to worry to see a loss to us of its leaves since it is a natural technique of the Adenium like defense measurement before this circumstance. At those moments one says that the plant is in latency.

He is always interesting that the plant has a sun exhibition total in the outside or with the maximum possible light inside the home since we have already commented. Knowing that it is a warm climate plant, it requires of high temperatures and knowledge that below the 10 degrees Celsius can begin to suffer themselves. As it plants adapted to undergo periods of drought, the Adenium requires rich lands but drained well, avoiding the excess of water reason why the irrigations they will occur of moderate form. A form to hydrate the plant is to wet the substratum in depth each 4-5 weeks, with 1-2 water glasses. We remember that the plants succulent they can retain the water within its weaves, reason why they only need to be watered when the climate is warm. With the increase of the diurnal temperatures, at beginnings of the spring, it is well practicing a treatment with an insecticide of ample phantom, to use it when in the garden there is no flowering. Before the gems engrosen excessively, also are advisable to practice a treatment fungicide of ample phantom, to prevent the development with diseases of fungi. The plant of Adenium, if he is young, or tree if they have spent a few years, offers one of the most beautiful flowers than it gives the nature. You can learn more on this plant in adenium. Or to accede to pretty images of adeniums.