Thai Masseur

Thai Masseur

The regular receipt of this form of massage leads to a powerful preventive effect on health, removing layer after layer, the accumulated negative emotions. Those who gained experience of Thai massage can attest to its incredible impact on the body and psyche. Until recently, the Thai massage was only available to practitioners in Buddhist temples, monks, seeing in him a deep religious and spiritual significance. Subject to the practice in strict accordance with the principles of religion, Thai massage gave invaluable influence as a teacher and the pupil. Unfortunately, in our modern time Thai massage began to lose a spiritual component because of its commercialization. Technical component of the massage is gentle and unhurried rhythmic sequence of pressures and circular movements that make up foundation of Thai massage.

Their number and variety of surprises students. To date, widely about a hundred of them! The sequence of actions masseur filled with endless nuances of tempo change and depression. There are no sharp breaks or sudden changes of trajectories – one motion smoothly and harmoniously spill over into others. Hear from experts in the field like Author for a more varied view. Everything happens quietly and smoothly, without disrupting the overall flow of the massage. Thai massage is combination of methods, some of which affect the energy channels, the other on the position of the body, often similar to the posture used in yoga. Manual treatment is carried out by the feet, palms, fingers, elbows and knees. Measured pace and gentle movements that are characteristic of Thai massage, performed a strong, deep penetrating pressure on certain areas of the body. The greatest impact of this unique massage happens to those who are able to relax to a degree where they become elastic mass in the hands of a masseur.

Since ancient times, a practicing massage therapist working on the energy channels, especially a lot of attention gives the displacement of energy in the channels of the legs, giving the overall energy balance throughout the body. Those who are not familiar with the theory of Thai massage, such a long time such a procedure might seem very long and meaningless. But, having been in the hands of this master, leaving all doubt the practicality of action masseur! As for exposed to massage, and for the spectators, the most spectacular part of the massage is stretching channels, so reminiscent of yoga exercises. Many of the movements involve a close, and sometimes almost intimate contact between the masseur and . Prev spectator open beautiful shape and symmetry, and subsequently evaporating away or merged with the following sequence of movements, creating the impression choreography dance duet. Call it a 'duet' is not an exaggeration, since the desired effect is often required accuracy in working together and massage . All of these incredible shape and smooth movements, which are manual treatment can be potentially dangerous for and masseur. To perform such a massage, even at the simplest level, you want a great experience, strength and balance, which can be obtained only after prolonged and serious training under the supervision of an experienced wizard.

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