Increasing Your Chances Of Getting Promoted

Increasing Your Chances Of Getting Promoted

When you are looking to get hired or get promoted, what do you think is your most important asset? Your experience? Knowledge? Skill? Talent? While all the advantages that will help you achieve your goals, one thing is more important than them all. His attitude! Allow me to illustrate my point. I attended a board meeting recently. It should have been writing “boring.” Almost all eyes were glassy or nearly closed with fatigue as a dull presentation after another has been imposed on council members, staff and public. Then, something changed. Someone who had never spoken at a board meeting before they got up, went to the lectern, set up your PowerPoint presentation, and totally blew everyone! People were encouraged in their seats and listened attentively to every word.

When finished, the crowd applauded! (If you’ve ever attended a council meeting the public agency before, you know that it’s remarkable!) of Council said: “I have seen hundreds of presentations. This is the first time I’ve seen that drew applause!” It has been host of more experienced, more knowledgeable, more skilled or more talented than everyone else? Absolutely not. As a fairly new employee, was actually lower in all areas. What made the difference? Your attitude. She was enthusiastic, positive, upbeat, energetic and excited about what he was talking? It was not the quality of its presentation that impressed people was how he felt. His enthusiasm was infectious, so much the audience enjoyed listening to the facts and figures presented by a person without their energetic attitude, are bored to tears.

Everyone in this room will remember and think highly of her because of her attitude. Do you know why companies make time, job interviews of labor-intensive rather than simply recruiting people based on qualifications presented in their resumes? A reason is to find someone who likes to work with. This can only be transmitted in person, by their attitude. Think about your own co-workers. Who likes to work with? The smart guy who has all the answers but acts superior? Women who have more experience but whines or complains whenever asked to do something in a new way? Or the person who always smiles, listens, stays positive, friendly and supportive, no matter what? What is your attitude?

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