WHAT the man when seeing IS HISTORY the necessity to explain its origin, in the primrdios of they will civilize, developed the most varied answers for this gap of the humanity. One of the most known answers to explain the reason of the social organization that if of the one of determined way is the Myth. The myth varied the region in accordance with had as main function to base the power of kings, faras and emperors. The mythical logic had a character the holy ghost, thus the power of the governing and all destination of a people, as well as its origin, was determined by the Deuses. If currently the myth in them seems nonsense and baseless, in the antiquity he was accepted as truth for the people. Still today the myths, even though with as much it does not influence as in the past, prevail between our society with the same ideological characteristics.
One another way uses that to understand it its existence and the possibility to perpetuate it is history. History as explanation of the reality has a coesa relation with the philosophy, therefore, it is the philosophy that in beginning deals with the common knowledge. Greek Herdoto and, then later, other historians had been the first ones to investigate the reality and write them for the posteriority. How these historians were not worried about atemporal origin? as the myth they directed its attention for the recent events of its time, thus concrete could try to understand a moment historical. Theological history did not have the same severity of its antecedent due to the fact to be imprisoned to the dogmatismo. However, this new conception is of great influences until our days. The detainer of the knowledge was the Christian church that provided to the fusing of the Roman empire with the calls barbarous peoples. As the great mass she was illiterate and good part of the governing, the church was in charge giving the answers to explain the reality with its cronistas. The predominant thought age of legends with which history if reflected in the ratio of this mentality. But when is published new studies in the field of geography, and a renewal of the effective thought is that it is perceived in the way to make history.