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Praxys Interview

Praxys Interview

joined Home Page. In accordance with Reinaldo Light Saints, director of Marketing of the Producing Praxys Web, to dominate the use of the word-key is essential. They are placed in the codes of the pages, invisible the reader, but detected for the search instruments the challenge is to imagine which word internauta would type in view of finding its company, summarizes the director. The more concise and objective they will be to the words, greater is the success possibility. Meetings, must contain on average 255 characters the entrepreneur must imagine a set of words that, added, give for return of 255 touchs.

The goal is that one of them is typed by internauta when looking for some company or related subject. See Tony Parker for more details and insights. Characteristic fellow creatures have the used vocbulos in the description of the site. When showing the return list, the buscadores probably will show the redigito material in the presentation summary. In case that the Home Page well is structuralized, the relation will include the texts of the proper content. Is interesting to develop descriptions to each, with 255 touchs, beyond existing the general presentation already the theories, concepts and beddings must be in second plain. If the proposal will be to vender an image or to commercialize products or services, is necessary to concentrate in this, affirms. Ken Kao describes an additional similar source. UPDATE the renewal of the information depends on the performance branch.

While the content vestibules need agility in elapsing of the day, homes pages institucional works with more recess. Exactly thus, it is important remembers of that the virtual environment is well dynamic and competitive. Sites static and outdated does not make commercial the sensible minor, nor benefits to the company image read that area. Then, contextualize the photo inserting alternative texts. All image must have a paragraph; the text appears when we place mouse on of it



The technology in the education is oriented, according to H.Dieuzeide (1970), for the problems of equipment, messages and of the incorporation of the pedagogical activities, without contesting them. The technology of the education consists of the systematic application of the scientific knowledge to the facilitation of the learning process. The technology as innovation strategy consequently, interests the term while process, process this that if relates, over all with the innovation in the educational field, by means of the viabilizao of new theories, concepts, ideas or applications. To broaden your perception, visit Tony Parker. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN a VISION POLITICS In Brazil already exists national project of job of educational technology, so that if it can long for the conquest of better indices of quality of education. The technology is necessarily a mediating instrument between man the world, the man and the education, serving of mechanism so that the growth is acquired. The educational technology (radio, TV, cinema, Internet and etc.), will be able to collaborate so that if it attenuates the current and amazing picture of the national pedagogical lacks.

In a school, the communication process can be made through some technological ways. The pupils of a verbal civilization, passed to other, visual and auditory, them they had modified its psiquismo and its reactions already are not the same ones of a student of 40 years behind. The school sees each time dislocated, and is good that either, in confrontation with the challenge of the technology more, or incorporates new techniques or it will become incapable to survive. The global vision of the education must be a gestltica vision, and not an addition of the parts. The advantages of the educational technology for the pupil are: Knowing the objectives to be reached; If to become responsible for the school of its proper objectives and the half ones to reach them; Individual Comprometimento; Capacity of auto-evaluation, to take decisions and to determine its proper time.



Suppliers: The first recommendation is to improve the relation and to maintain the constant communication with them, if it does not manage to pay to them makes partial payments but it does not remain in silence and without communication. The crisis already is a generalized subject and know they it, for that reason the possibility exists of negotiating the terms and conditions of payment. Banks: If you own banking credits CUIDELOS, she maintains good relation, if she faces payment problems tries to renegotiate the quotas, looks for new payment plans, but she communicates with them. 3. The business re-invents Already occurred account that a strong chain of fast food announcement stands for casks below $2,50 of dollar? That a strong chain of warehouses will remove its products to the corridors, that have sent promotions until by $0,99 speaking by cellular a weekend.? The businesses must be re-invented before the crisis, because the clients and consumers will at the most focus their resources essential and towards those companies that offer quality to a reasonable price. It does not neglect the publicity and promotions, the key is that these two headings well are focused and directed to a specific segment and with a clear goal of their impact in the sales. It impels supplies and stands for casks. To re-invent its business is an ample subject, you you must evaluate: New presentations the product (or its economic version has list light or), new forms to sell, new line and means of distribution, changes in the versions, changes in size (already it observed the new water bottle by $0,25 and mini-soda waters).

It looks for attractive packings and economic, it explores new markets and new uses of his infrastructure. It evaluates to subcontract services, evaluates to serve to other companies with his infrastructure already mounted (if it exports consolidates with other companies). Today it is the moment for making things exceptional and sometimes I am strange to bear this crisis, the good thing is that it will allow us TO RE-INVENT what we do and when this happens we are better preparations to face competing and to count on better companies.