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Suppliers: The first recommendation is to improve the relation and to maintain the constant communication with them, if it does not manage to pay to them makes partial payments but it does not remain in silence and without communication. The crisis already is a generalized subject and know they it, for that reason the possibility exists of negotiating the terms and conditions of payment. Banks: If you own banking credits CUIDELOS, she maintains good relation, if she faces payment problems tries to renegotiate the quotas, looks for new payment plans, but she communicates with them. 3. The business re-invents Already occurred account that a strong chain of fast food announcement stands for casks below $2,50 of dollar? That a strong chain of warehouses will remove its products to the corridors, that have sent promotions until by $0,99 speaking by cellular a weekend.? The businesses must be re-invented before the crisis, because the clients and consumers will at the most focus their resources essential and towards those companies that offer quality to a reasonable price. It does not neglect the publicity and promotions, the key is that these two headings well are focused and directed to a specific segment and with a clear goal of their impact in the sales. It impels supplies and stands for casks. To re-invent its business is an ample subject, you you must evaluate: New presentations the product (or its economic version has list light or), new forms to sell, new line and means of distribution, changes in the versions, changes in size (already it observed the new water bottle by $0,25 and mini-soda waters).

It looks for attractive packings and economic, it explores new markets and new uses of his infrastructure. It evaluates to subcontract services, evaluates to serve to other companies with his infrastructure already mounted (if it exports consolidates with other companies). Today it is the moment for making things exceptional and sometimes I am strange to bear this crisis, the good thing is that it will allow us TO RE-INVENT what we do and when this happens we are better preparations to face competing and to count on better companies.

Maria Magdalena

Maria Magdalena

As we have mentioned, there are seven Iconographies of smaller size, four of whose figures are identified by Maria Magdalena and other three larger plants, representing episodes of the life of Jesus below of the central icon: the birth, crucifixion and the descent from the cross. Expose and describe in detail what is represented in all the icons would be impossible in the present article, for the great amount of data and pictures.

But as the main evidence to which we have been referring is precisely on some of these icons, we will refer in particular to the latter briefly. The central icon shows the scene of the crucifixion of Jesus, along with the two thieves and feet we find the biggest surprise: Maria Magdalena pregnant! I contemplated the scene from every angle possible to exclude the possibility of an optical illusion. But it was not any error of assessment. Cupcake represented at the foot of the cross of Jesus, totally desolate, with red hair and the handkerchief in her left hand rinsing the tears had been evoked as a pregnant woman, with her swollen breasts, remarking the nipples and her belly swelling in the form characteristic of pregnancy.

It is a stomach very low, on the verge of giving birth, in the position that the women of East formerly taken to giving birth. A skull, traditionally associated with Magdalena in the iconography appears next to it. Do not leave any doubt regarding her pregnancy, the author of the icon painted for a kind of girdle – as was then to redial your breasts in pregnant women, as it was pleased to tell me my friend Manuel de Perea, painter, sculptor and goldsmith and therefore qualified to provide such references-that runs from the shoulder to the waist clearly emphasizing the swollen cupcake chest. (see photo on the website of the author) Mary Magdalene pregnant at the foot of the cross in the single icon appear the two women who are traditionally identified with Maria the Virgin (mother of Jesus) and Maria Magdalena, which clears any questions about identity and the State of pregnancy of the represented figure.

Making Businesses

Making Businesses

More and more the difficult economic situation in our countries has caused that people begin to often look for new and innovating sources of income and, the time is a fundamental factor in our decision making. It is by such reason that the businesses based on Internet begin to raise many expectations like the possible solution to our problems. Since, they offer these us to be able to begin a business in very just a short time, with very little investment and the possibility of arriving at an ample market without having to destine great sums of money in publicity. However, all the mentioned one in the previous paragraph is technically possible. Nevertheless, many salesmen of smoke are profiteer of the needs of the people to begin to offer the super businesses in Internet that can turn to you into millionaire in only days, with almost nothing of investment and coverall at the speed of the light. Obvious, this does not approach in but the minimal thing the reality. It is why my immediate goal is sacarte of the head the false ideas that in Internet can be made a business profitable (” eye I mention profitable – not only negocio”) in so just a short time. Like in any business or in Internet or outside her.

So that a business is profitable we needed to put much effort and dedication to be able to secure the wished objectives. There is no doubt that the businesses based on Internet present/display many advantages in comparison to the traditional businesses but this does not exclude that to achieve the success we must work equal or but in the search of our goals. In this first part queria to emphasize these aspects since they seem to me of extreme importance before beginning any emprendimiento in Internet. Soon not to feel us demotivated, disappointed or even deceived when seeing that we did not secure important results. Not in vain one says that but of 90% of businesses initiated in Internet pain nor glory fail without. Obvious this must to the bad perception that some bad elements have tried to seed in our brains.

Like conclusion of this first part. I want recordarte that if really these interested (a) in undertaking a business based on Internet. You remember the indicated above thing. In Internet we can create a business quickly. But this, does not mean that he is profitable. Simply, this there. So that he is profitable is needed much work, effort, dedication, perseverancia and knowledge. There is the key of the success of any business.

Making Businesses

Making Businesses

More and more the difficult economic situation in our countries has caused that people begin to often look for new and innovating sources of income and, the time is a fundamental factor in our decision making. It is by such reason that the businesses based on Internet begin to raise many expectations like the possible solution to our problems. Since, they offer these us to be able to begin a business in very just a short time, with very little investment and the possibility of arriving at an ample market without having to destine great sums of money in publicity. However, all the mentioned one in the previous paragraph is technically possible. Nevertheless, many salesmen of smoke are profiteer of the needs of the people to begin to offer the super businesses in Internet that can turn to you into millionaire in only days, with almost nothing of investment and coverall at the speed of the light. Obvious, this does not approach in but the minimal thing the reality. It is why my immediate goal is sacarte of the head the false ideas that in Internet can be made a business profitable (” eye I mention profitable – not only negocio”) in so just a short time. Like in any business or in Internet or outside her.

So that a business is profitable we needed to put much effort and dedication to be able to secure the wished objectives. There is no doubt that the businesses based on Internet present/display many advantages in comparison to the traditional businesses but this does not exclude that to achieve the success we must work equal or but in the search of our goals. In this first part queria to emphasize these aspects since they seem to me of extreme importance before beginning any emprendimiento in Internet. Soon not to feel us demotivated, disappointed or even deceived when seeing that we did not secure important results. Not in vain one says that but of 90% of businesses initiated in Internet pain nor glory fail without. Obvious this must to the bad perception that some bad elements have tried to seed in our brains.

Like conclusion of this first part. I want recordarte that if really these interested (a) in undertaking a business based on Internet. You remember the indicated above thing. In Internet we can create a business quickly. But this, does not mean that he is profitable. Simply, this there. So that he is profitable is needed much work, effort, dedication, perseverancia and knowledge. There is the key of the success of any business.