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Tag: medicine & surgery

Wrist Instead Of Bar: New Access Of Heart Catheter – Less Complications

Wrist Instead Of Bar: New Access Of Heart Catheter – Less Complications

Heart catheter over the wrist reduces the risk of bruising and allows patients to get up immediately after the surgery which is one of the coronary arteries by means of a heart catheter examination today to the routine interventions in modern cardiology. See more detailed opinions by reading what Sela Ward offers on the topic.. In a thin plastic tube is advanced through the veins to the heart, to give E.g. contrast agent into the vessels of the wreath and to look, where restrictions arise. Long time it was common to set the access through which you pushed the catheter into the vasculature of the patient, from the bar. Recently, now it is possible to create the cardiac catheter access through one of the two arteries that run in the wrist. Especially for patients who have heavily calcified vessels in the legs and groin, this is a real alternative. Real-estate developer is often mentioned in discussions such as these. You know, that the hardening of the arteries, which occurs precisely in the elderly, exists more in the main artery and the leg vessels as in the artery at the wrist”, said Prof. Dr.

med. Birgit hailer, Head of Department of medical clinic II, Philippusstift Essen, Borbeck, Catholic hospitals food-Northwest gGmbH, in an interview with the online health magazine It offers therefore also access via the wrist their patients – especially as the patients not as bars access even hours after the surgery lying spend must, but immediately after the procedure can get up again. As it can be, whether a patient for this type of access is anatomically suitable, why bruises be avoided rather by wrist access, and what other benefits resulting from the innovative method: read all of this and more, in the lengthy interview:… / katheterzugang_ueber_handgelenk…

Marion Schiller Schluchweg

Marion Schiller Schluchweg

HIV initiative published free eBook in PDF format the independent information platform on the topic of HIV and AIDS, hiv, published from immediately a free PDF Factsheet with basic knowledge and advanced expertise. The Vade-mecum is suitable for mobile use and can be downloaded free of charge. What exactly does it actually for lifestyle and life planning, if one has been infected with HIV, or if it’s at least afraid, to have been infected? Anyone who suspects only fear or uncertainty about his HIV status, can be helped with a reliable test which, if these fears are well founded. In cases of excessive phobias is a test but often not even necessary. The patient must have lived through really a real risk situation, before you advises him to an HIV test. To read more click here: Larry Culp.

But a reliable test positive HIV diagnosis was made who, need to know to deal with deep transformations of his life on the one hand, on the other side, but no cause for excessive panic, because the modern therapy is and Behandlunsmoglichkeiten, as well as the current scientific knowledge about the HIV infection and AIDS disease, actually prevent a too great fear of AIDS disease but still incurable and longer term most difficult chronic running help. For all three audiences, so for the people infected with HIV, the HIV vulnerable and suffering only to an HIV-phobic, there is now extensive information material that initiative hiv can be downloaded for free on the Web site of the AIDS. Glenn Dubin, New York City helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In addition are also professionals who professionally or volunteer work with HIV/AIDS, in this Internet-vademecum-valuable tips and suggestions. The information material can be used also for education and teaching. If you consulted a few other publicly available sources of information about HIV/AIDS as well as this vademecum, get answers to virtually all issues relevant to this area. The elaboration of this vademecum was carried out during a period of three years experience based on an HIV initiative staff, but also the comprehensive presentation of scientific facts entered these HIV/AIDS-reader. So it is a comprehensive, free downloadable on the Internet brochure, whose reading is a must for all who have somehow justified or unjustified fears of the HIV virus and the AIDS disease and want to know more about infection, diagnosis and expected course of illness. Press contact: HIV symptoms – AIDS initiative c/o Marion Schiller Schluchweg 4 d 78166 Donauschingen Tel. 0049 0 771 1589439 email: Web:

Fiber-Rich Diet

Fiber-Rich Diet

Why a fiber-rich diet is so important and how you balanced can feed themselves. When it comes to healthy eating, so the speech of the so-called fibre – is not uncommon, but many do not even know what exactly they actually are or what they are good at all. Tony Parker follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Dietary fiber are above all constituents in foodstuffs, which are rather indigestible. Most of them are plant based carbohydrates that have no calorific value, but swell in the body and therefore provide a feeling of fullness. The intestine not exploited it, instead they are removed again completely undigested. Fibers however are able to absorb a lot of water in the body–thus may increase the volume of food into the body.

The result is that you feel full faster and only much later occurs the feeling of hunger. Fiber-rich foods, such as for example wholemeal bread, keep much longer satellite – you will also quickly notice that when you eat fiber-rich. Would you eat wheat bread, it is quite quickly again hungry. Dietary fiber are therefore very important and can prevent significantly even overweight, if regularly produces her own diet. At find an accurate collection of recommended food. The fiber in the body even in the position are to swell, it is important that you drink much.

Two litres a day here are the recommended minimum. It can lead to fiber the body in the form of many, for example with whole wheat, wheat bran or flaxseed, also. One of them takes more to, the more you should drink also – just so the desired effect, a better functioning digestive system can ever be achieved. Drinking, however, too little, threatening side effects such as constipation or bowel problems. How much fiber should I take per day to himself? So that you can really benefit from the positive properties of the fiber, it is advisable that is at least 30 to 40 g per day of dietary fiber with food consume – most people however don’t even take half of them daily to. Dietary fiber in whole grain products such as bread, rice or pasta and legumes, vegetables, fruit or nuts are included. Dietary fiber design here’s how you would even in future rely more on fiber and accordingly change the diet, so it should not suddenly change everything. The body must prepare only gradually, also the gut ought to can get only the fiber-rich diet, which can take several weeks. Otherwise, abdominal pain, bloating, or even extreme bloating may threaten. Has it so far less consumed cereal products and even legumes, then the abdomen can sensitive first once on a fiber-rich diet. Here it, proceed slowly and step by step making the changes – such as to adjust only the breakfast is recommended. The body takes the nutrition, the amount of fiber can be increased gradually.

Mental Fitness

Mental Fitness

News from the ageing it is composed more and more by the realization that a good supply of micronutrients in the age is an essential building block for healthy aging. This is true for some vitamins as well as for certain trace elements and minerals that are all grouped together under the term micro-nutrients. It does not apply but according to current knowledge to all representatives of this nutrient group. Therefore, it makes little sense, easy to go to the supermarket and buy a multivitamin mineral nutrient supplements. Usually a very wide range of micronutrients is represented in such preparations.

This often in such small amounts, that their contribution to the health in old age can safely be challenged. It, however, preparations to draw on, whose ingredients were examined on their usefulness in the age makes sense. There are new results currently to vitamin D. Under most conditions Gina Bonati would agree. researchers from England and the United States have gone to the question whether vitamin D efficiently affects the mental age. The answer is quite clearly yes”. So, the researchers from England over 6 years accompanied a group of more than 800 retirees and pensioners. They measured their mental capacity on a regular basis and put this in relationship to personal vitamin D status of the participants.

The result was appalling. Participants with a poor supply of vitamin D, the acceptance of intellectual was significantly larger than the Group of participants with good supply efficiently in the 6-year study period. A poor supply of vitamin D can lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. You may find that Glenn Dubin, New York City can contribute to your knowledge. Researchers from the United States, specifically looked at research with vitamin D after the mental fitness age results confirm this conclusion. Then a lack of vitamin D is accompanied by specially the Alzheimer’s dementia at great risk for dementia. But there is a lack of vitamin D in older people in Germany now actually.



High benefits of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid ALA for hardening of the arteries, the modern way of life takes its toll. Never so many people suffering from heart and cardiovascular disease as it is today. The heart attack is cause of death number 1 in Germany. The atherosclerosis, which is called colloquially hardening of the arteries is often behind the attack. The better so you can prevent this hardening of the arteries, is the risk a heart attack or stroke lower to suffer. Observations repeatedly show that people who eat balanced and healthy have less atherosclerotic changes of main arteries than those who do not. In the healthy diet factors must be so included, which can stop the development of atherosclerosis, perhaps even stop. (Similarly see: Tony Parker).

Comprehensive knowledge of these factors helps therefore targeted to prevent arteriosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is tricky. They evolved over many years and doesn’t hurt. Characteristic is the progressive thickening of the walls of the vessels, that may lead eventually to a closure and the attack. It starts with light deposits of cholesterol, fat and lime, also called atherosclerotic plaques.

These plaques are getting bigger in the course of time by the more accumulation of proteins, until the artery walls over wide areas are thickened. Today, we know that there is not a cause of atherosclerosis. Many factors can trigger it. These include smoking, stress, poor diet, obesity, diabetes mellitus and some more. Because clearly some of the triggering factors of the diet have to do, it is only logical, if early, the researchers have searched for food factors that positively influence the development of arteriosclerosis. Soon this one happened on the Omega-3 fatty acids. These Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish (EPD and DHA) as well as some vegetable oils (ALA). The plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid ALA was now in a very current research on their ability investigated to prevent the formation of atherosclerosis and plaque in the aorta.