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The Opportunity

The Opportunity

It is a great way to win friends, build trust and give recognition to others. An excellent way to understand more about each other and a very intelligent way of behaving. Listen to will allow you to gain information, and information is power. Remember these two phrases:.You’re a slave to what you say and owner of what callas. and.Do not say anything, unless you go to say, is more important than silence. It handles emotions did you happened that sometime you comunicaste so emotionally that the person heard only your emotions and not your communication? Sometimes we have rabies with a situation, and hope, hope, support and whom us until at a certain point we cannot more and decided to go and say what we think. If you would like to know more then you should visit Sela Ward. That only comes with so much anger, rage, frustration that, the other only manages to hear that: anger, rage, frustration and our message is lost. Communications that we matter most often cause us strong emotions.

Therefore, a good tool would firstly communicate our affection, the importance that the other has for us, and that, if at some point we get angry, that comes of helplessness we felt when the not being able to communicate with someone so valuable for us. Human beings are all very similar emotions. If you begin to verbalize them, you can start to make you responsible for them, and if you say to the other, you probably feel identified with it, and open. Another good tool to manage emotions, is to keep communications a day. Do not postpone or accumulate, because that usually ends in explosion. But simply say in due time and with awareness and appreciation, what we feel.

And the last but very important key is to recognize and value the other person. That predisposes us to open ourselves, change us the mood. It is always good to know that someone appreciated us sincerely. So take the opportunity, and focuses your communications from that place of appreciation and recognition towards each other. Search for your communication to increase that, highlight what you value of the other. Creates a space confidence that both can feel free to interact and jointly achieve what they seek. If you think communication is the joint – action between two people. Yours is the choice that this joint action is a wonderful experience for both. How could you do it? It seeks to establish relations that you enrich. Search communicate with honesty and feeling that plasmas and properly represent your true being in every interaction.



Suppliers: The first recommendation is to improve the relation and to maintain the constant communication with them, if it does not manage to pay to them makes partial payments but it does not remain in silence and without communication. The crisis already is a generalized subject and know they it, for that reason the possibility exists of negotiating the terms and conditions of payment. Banks: If you own banking credits CUIDELOS, she maintains good relation, if she faces payment problems tries to renegotiate the quotas, looks for new payment plans, but she communicates with them. 3. The business re-invents Already occurred account that a strong chain of fast food announcement stands for casks below $2,50 of dollar? That a strong chain of warehouses will remove its products to the corridors, that have sent promotions until by $0,99 speaking by cellular a weekend.? The businesses must be re-invented before the crisis, because the clients and consumers will at the most focus their resources essential and towards those companies that offer quality to a reasonable price. It does not neglect the publicity and promotions, the key is that these two headings well are focused and directed to a specific segment and with a clear goal of their impact in the sales. It impels supplies and stands for casks. To re-invent its business is an ample subject, you you must evaluate: New presentations the product (or its economic version has list light or), new forms to sell, new line and means of distribution, changes in the versions, changes in size (already it observed the new water bottle by $0,25 and mini-soda waters).

It looks for attractive packings and economic, it explores new markets and new uses of his infrastructure. It evaluates to subcontract services, evaluates to serve to other companies with his infrastructure already mounted (if it exports consolidates with other companies). Today it is the moment for making things exceptional and sometimes I am strange to bear this crisis, the good thing is that it will allow us TO RE-INVENT what we do and when this happens we are better preparations to face competing and to count on better companies.



The news full of sadness to the nymph Thetis, who bathes your child in the miraculous waters of a turbulent River of Hades (hell) hoping to protect him called Styx. Only a part of your body is left without bathing: the heel, which will become its weakness. Nobody knows what happened, except the nymph Tetis. Complete the ritual, the nymph now must prepare everything for your wedding with Peleus. The fiesta is sumptuous. They are invited to all the gods of Olympus less Eris, Goddess of discord, for predictable reasons. However, hurt by the gesture, it occurs abruptly during the banquet and leaves a present whose content is no more than an Apple of gold with the inscription: to the fairest. The abduction of Helen, the Trojan war, the death of Achilles Eris calculation is accurate.

The goddesses want Apple, and all without exception, claim rights over it, in Special, Hera (wife and sister of Zeus), Athena (Goddess of wisdom, strategy and just war) and Aphrodite (the goddess of love, lust, beauty, prostitution and reproduction). Zeus, intuiting the repercussions that might have the struggle of 3 divine females, settled the matter by appointing as arbitrator to Paris, Prince of Troy, who had been raised as a shepherd as a result of a prophecy according to which would be the cause of the fall of their city. The beautiful goddesses wanted to bribe immediately to the Trojan: Athena offered wisdom, skill in battle and skills of great warriors; Hera offered him power politician, and control throughout Asia, and Aphrodite offered him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris, almost without thinking, awarded the Apple to Aphrodite, and returned to Troy. The problem was that the most beautiful woman in the world, Helena, was married to Menelaus, King of Sparta. But Aphrodite, in order to fulfill its promise, helps Paris kidnap Helena and Odysseus’s Ithaca, enforcing an oath of union between the Kings and Princes of Greece, declares war on Troy.

Beam Click Life

Beam Click Life

He can be that if you manage to have to char it deep and calm on this subject, it understands that he must correct some attitudes. Ten in account that the situation can improve, but that at heart the people do not change too much, and the jealousy and the control always will be a latent problem. You must be conscious that in case deeply you are enamored with him and you want to return to its arms, you must accept and tolerate its defects, of opposite, bscate another fianc2e. Having analyzed these questions, if what in truth you wish it is to know how how to enamor to an ex- fianc2e, here you have you rule step by step. 1. It lets pass two or three weeks without nothing of your life knows, you do not call it nor you send messages to him.

2. It uses that time to improve or to change your look, and to leave with friendly and friendly. It realises any activity that raises the spirit to you. You must llenarte of optimism, confidence in you same and positive energy to recover to your ex- ones. 3.

It deals with that it sees you, surrounded by friendly, passing it well. As soon as account of which occurs you are not thrown in a corner crying by its absence, but you follow ahead with your life, and perhaps there is some other man interested in you, you will see as it returns running to your arms. 4. At the outset, when he begins to be interested again in you, hazte to request a little. Amiable and funny Mustrate, but you do not reveal much information to him on your new life. This way it will bite the hook, you will see already it. To only it reduces decirte me that you trust your instinct, that you arm yourself of patience and which you do not forget to always maintain an attitude positive, remembers that you can reconquer to any man if you propose it to you. There is a strategy that has been proven to recover to your ex- fianc2e without all the drama. Beam Click to cause Here that your ex- fianc2e wants to return with you.