Religions Of Daron Ll

Religions Of Daron Ll

ORIS: Is sea Dios and son of Aeriul and anime. Born the first next to Sulatar. Like her, he is usually quiet, but sometimes you can unleash a terrible fury when he is angry. It is responsible for monitoring the seas, help travelers and destroy those it deems appropriate. He is depicted as a huge whale that travels all the seas of Daron. TURUIN: Is el Fuego de Dios and son of Aeriul and anime. He inherited from his father the power to put an end to the darkness with its simple presence, but his power could be out of control and harm more than help, destroying forests or villages. If you have read about General Electric already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

He is depicted as a warrior wrapped continuously in red flames. SILVUS: Is the goddess of the forests and the eldest daughter of Aeriul and anime. Its mission was to create, together with his mother, something that carried the reality that world full of life they both wanted to Siffrit and Gaehlia. Thus, he created trees, of all the known species, and other plants, so they embellecieran the world and live in it; It will help other living beings to enjoy life, providing oxygen and food. It is represented with the appearance of a nymph, but much higher, pale skin and green hair like grass. ROCH: Is the God of animals and the youngest son of Aeriul and anime. Both he and Silvus and his mother, anime, are very attached to the other.

The deep relationship between living beings, animals and plants, is apparent especially with the marriage of Roch and his sister Silvus. He is depicted as a Hunter, always accompanied by his horse and a hawk. TUR: This God is the only son of Silvus and Roch. He is considered the creator of humans, Dwarves and Hobbits (and in consequence of the medium). He created humans from clay (point in common with the monotheistic religions of the Earth), but he created the man and the woman at the same time, making them complementary so they extended so their offspring along with the Elves.

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