Major Music
Kabbalistic melodies are not given the usual musical analysis. From the standpoint of classical music, these melodies may appear banal in their structure and musical language. It was only predisposed to understanding the world and the Supreme of all creation, is felt in this music thing, beckoning to the unknown. We do not know how our musical perception. Why do we feel the major chords in a different emotional meaning and tone than the minor? Why Major perceive as something brighter, more open, and happier than minor? Many of the musicians with perfect musical hearing see colors notes, chords, and tones. But no one knows how it happens, why we appear in such associations from the light, sounds, tastes, and sensations. We do not know the structure of our sensors that perceive the intangible information. Only Kabbalists understand how they work in a person such internal system.
They know the structure of the human soul and can invest in the musical sounds of spiritual information. Therefore, the music of Kabbalah – a means of infusing the inner world of human information about everything that surrounds it. The content of the music associated with normal personal, earthly sensations and emotions of the composer. It was always present desire to reflect the problems the universe, but never these attempts have not gone beyond speculation in the personal sense. And the only tune written by Kabbalists really put us into a sense of eternity, the sensation of movement of the soul, guide us to an understanding of its essentially as part of a single, eternal universe. Kabbalistic music wrote the great Kabbalists. Each of the tunes match their cabalistic a certain spiritual state. And because they seem to raise human rights and lead him to the spiritual world, talking about what they felt their authors. Listen to this music, and make conclusions for yourself. 'Music for meditation'