Letter To A Close Friend
He is as if, was going away part of me in these letters, when beating each key, the letters go away with the words and my ideas to the computer, those that soon traveled through cyberspace. I want contarte something brief about me, soon to enter the subject that interests to us. My primary and secondary studies, I realised in the School Externado Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo of the district of the Rimac. After leaving the school, the idea of being excited much to me Veterinary Doctor, but music could more.
Nevertheless never it stopped reading books of zoology and Biology, or books compatible to the profession. With the course of the time, I am interested and the attention, referring to things the paranormal thing called much to me, and but the famous subject of flying subjects of gossip the first book that arrived at my hands was: I visit Ganmedes of Yosip Ibrahim. Perhaps you have knowledge of. Serious little extensive to comment on this. Soon I read, and we knew people other worlds of Jose Carlos Peace Corrochano, and also the book of its son who would write but ahead the extraterrestrial Guides and the mission branch of Sixto Jose Peace Wells. I tell this you because it has relation with the subject that we will touch. It has much relation, because for example Sixto Peace, in its book, narrates as the extraterrestrial ones speak of a being superior to us, speak to us of the life after the death, also speak to us of the existence of the soul, ( that they also own ) For me, in a that then young person of about 18 or 19 years, he was something fascinating.