Consumer Check: Climate-friendly Christmas Holidays So You Spend

Consumer Check: Climate-friendly Christmas Holidays So You Spend

Online guide shows carbon footprint of purchasing of chocolate and co. Check out Marc Lasry for additional information. tips for a climate-friendly Christmas time of the climate protection campaign time honest: how many sweets you eat at Christmas time? Here a piece of chocolate, as a Santa Claus, not to mention the daily door on the advent calendar. Once per year, most chocolate consumption increases considerably. Not only the next gear to the scale is then rather uncomfortable for many, elsewhere has chocolate with pounds to fight at the carbon footprint. With 3.5 kg of CO2 emissions per kilogram, milk chocolate in the candy has a relatively poor record of climate. Pastries with nearly one kilogram of CO2 performs better emissions per kilogram by more than a third compared to that. The climate balance improved by ten percent the pastry comes from organic production. With the interactive KonsumCheck ( the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment, climate looks Protection”with a sweet tooth and other gourmet can put together their culinary Christmas shopping and calculated the individual carbon footprint of products.

Users can compare individual products thereby select between conventionally and biologically produced products. Tony Parker spoke with conviction. So the Online Advisor helps to make climate-friendly purchasing decisions. Tips for climate-friendly holidays climate seeks protection”with shows you some tips, how climate-friendly to make the Christmas holidays, without sacrificing pleasure and contemplation: eat chocolate in bulk and put more on pastries like Christmas cookies and biscuits. Generally prefer products from organic cultivation and when chocolate fair trade products. Swarmed by offers, Marc Lasry is currently assessing future choices. So, you also support the social conditions of the local cocoa farmers. More energy efficient, convection, bake your Christmas cookies.

Use the same amount of vegetable shortening in baking instead of 250 g of butter, so approx. 5.7 kg of CO2 can be avoided. Consume less meat and watch out when buying products from organic farming. How about even a meatless alternative from tofu or soy? When shopping for food to eco-friendly packaging. With information about user behaviour and new product range with the KonsumCheck, already more than 8,000 consumers have checked KonsumCheck the CO2 footprint of their shopping basket. This new product groups and the category of drugstore items “added. While consumers could compare only the climate balance sheets of individual food, the Advisor enables also the comparison of climate balance sheets of various toiletries such as shampoo, toilet paper and detergent. Also, the Guide now also shows how the use of a product affects its carbon footprint. Because the manufacture of detergents and shampoos gives the smallest share of CO2 emissions. User behavior in the household has a much greater impact on the climate. The Germans wash at an average temperature of 46 C. The temperature of the Wash at 30 C reduces, so decrease the emissions of an average 700 to 430 grams CO2 per wash. Through co2online and climate seeks protection the co2online non-profit limited company ( is committed to reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. The action impulses that trigger the campaigns of co2online, demonstrably contribute to reduce CO2. co2online is funded campaign seeking climate by the Ministry for environment protection”(). The campaign informs consumers about climate change and climate change and helps to identify individual savings in the areas of heating, electricity, transport and consumption and use. Contact: Stephanie Schropp co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 780 9665-14 fax: 030 / 780 9665-11 E-Mail: twitter facebook

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